Fibro Flare ups with a little birthday shopping as medicine. 🧖‍♀️

in #life4 years ago (edited)

Ive had a bad day, Fibromylagia Flare up, brain fog, dizziness & tiredness, the list could go on. Ive stayed in bed most of the day. I have learned to just go with it, thrres nothing i can do, aslong as i take my medication and rest it will run its course. If i fight it i end up eye off suffereing for days.

I had a few plans for my garden today unfortunately they will have to wait until im feeling better. I did see the weather forecast saying we are in for good weather, that's good news, i can catch up with my plans when I'm not feeling so bad.


Ive been feeling ill and Luna my little pup has had a poorly day too, maybe she can sense how i feel, she hasnt left my side all day.

I may not be feeling very well where usually when I'm feeling like this i stay feeling negative about my life today i haven't. I still feel good about myself, i know the pain will ease, i know i will have good days where i can get out into my garden, i just have to go with what my body needs.

Ive been doing a bit of birthday shopping, i thought its best to buy what i need and what would make me feel better. I buy my hair conditioner from Give me there hair mask is amazing, it makes my thick frizzy hair soft and and easy to manage. I noticed they had an offer on for a Stay at Home Hamper, it has my favourite hair mask plus other things that will help me feel good. It has been reduced from £60 to £27.


I am back in bed watching the new Lion King with Nichola, going to chill out for a little while then sleep. Heres hoping tomorrow is a better day.

#StaySafe, #StayHome & #BeKind Always