I'm feeling loved 😍 after spending 2 days with my granddaughter, its been heaven. 😊 ❀️

in #life β€’ 6 months ago

I have just about managed to get through this weekend, its been so busy. We had company all weekend, my daughter and granddaughter came to stay and my youngest daughters boyfriend stayed over too. Me and hubby made sure we were going to give them home cooked meals staying away from takeaways as they are too easy. On Friday I cooked mince, dumplings and Mashed potatoes with Veg then for Saturday hubby cooked a Beef dinner, and a Vegetarian one for me and Nichola. I also cooked a big pan full of Rice pudding that disappeared very quickly.


Its been lovely waking up knowing my granddaughter is downstairs, she's starting to talk instead of pointing what she wants she was saying nana, this made me so happy. Sadly she goes home this afternoon. I'll have to say my goodbyes before as I have my first Diabetes Clinic so will miss them leaving. I will be staying in bed all day tomorrow recuperating ready for Wednesday when the hard work starts. Hubby will be off his feet for around 6 weeks as getting a hip replacement. He goes in on Wednesday then should be home the next day with crutches. He doesn't make a very good patient as moans about every little pain.

Change of plans, hes now going into hospital on Friday as at his blood appointment they saw he was full of cold plus he didn't feel good in himself. He got a phone call today saying they are changing his day from Wednesday to Friday to give him a couple of extra days to get better. He did a Covid test a couple of days ago that came back negative.

I had my first Diabetic clinic today, I don't know what I was expecting. I had a consultation where she took all my details then got drops in my eyes which makes the pupil larger, they took photos of my eyes, height and weight blood pressure and blood samples then they needed to look at my feet using a ultrasound machine, they heard the blood pumping I then had a nerve test where they got me to cover my eyes then she touched the sole of my foot with a sharp utensil, I had to say yes if I felt the prod, thankfully I felt them all. I now have to wait for the results.

I got back home to spend another hour with my granddaughter, her dad was running late. Its been lovely having her so close. I'm also going to enjoy the few days rest I'm going to get before hubby goes into hospital, I will be sleeping most of the time.

Hubby has another meeting that wuth the firm he has been working for over the last 6 years, this was his last meeting to tell him he is definitly being made redundant. Since it was good last meeting he made sure to tell them how he felt about the way they have picked the people to go, Glen prides himself on his work ethic, never late, never off and do his best work. He won the firm a best bricklayer award last year. He's also talking about taking them to court as the firm have kept on self employed people. They are supposed to give there employees the work and not to sack there PAYE Employees then take on self employed workers.

Thats my weelend over time to crawl into bed covered in pain patches to hopefully sleep.

Thank you for visiting. πŸ’ŸπŸ’Ÿ

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