February freewrite!

in #life2 years ago (edited)

YO! What the Hell is going on, guys? It’s 2:00a.m. Not the latest I’ve started a Hive blog but pushing it a little. It’s been a while I’ve done a freewrite here. These always remind me of the @anomadsoul. There was an era when we just went back and forth with rambling, directionless posts about where I lives were at that particular moment. I do fancy myself a writer […I think I can say that after finishing one novel, even if I haven’t done anything with it yet]. Not a bonafide writer like @ericvancewalton, @tarazkp or @mada, but someone with enough skill to construct a reasonably entertaining few paragraphs.

So where am I at in life right now? Life is good, actually. @mirrorpool is almost registered as a business. I actually just grabbed the account name here on Hive tonight as well. One of our partners and I spent three hours going over the business plan and I’ve been doing some very rewarding work with @swarddraws on our two upcoming projects. In addition to that, I’m about six months in to kickboxing and that has been an amazing addition to my life. Both in exercise and getting our aggression. I had a great work out today and I’m still on a high.

Looks like I'll be going back to Las Vegas and Los Angeles this spring. I'm planning on visiting @roadscape in March, but my April is looking booked up with a return to the west coast. I've committed to not one but two dark pinup guest photography events. My friend Ana [...seen the in selfie above] is a great photographer and I've worked with her a few years in a row. I'll be doing an event with Cervena Fox [...the model in the photos I shared last night] during Viva Las Vegas. It's going to be busy, but after sitting him for over a year, completely isolated, I'm trying to get hyped for the trip.

Minneapolis, as a city and my home, is okay. We’ll see. News has broke that police have shot and killed a young black man named Amir Locke. I won’t get in to the sociopolitical ramifications. After George Floyd in the summer of 2020, I don’t think I need to. We’ll see. I heard body came footage was released tonight but I haven’t seen it. I noticed while driving past the iconic cherry and spoon in our sculpture garden that the cherry was missing. Like, totally gone. Just a big giant spoon. Unpopular opinion but I think Minneapolis has really bad art so a lone spoon makes as much sense to me as one with a cherry in it.

Things with @guthrie are good! He and his brother are both really in to vintage gaming systems and electronics. He went through a phase with Ferby’s. Last weekend I took them to Twin Cities Vintage Fest. Mostly clothes but the boys found a couple of tables that were selling games and systems. I bought @guthrie the original PlayStation and Resident Evil. It was great seeing them play it for the first time. @guthrie didn’t even know how to insert the disc. Surprisingly, the graphics held up. For now, that’s a quick summary. Much more to say for another post.


It sounds like things are going really well for you and I'm happy to hear it! It finally is beginning to feel like the pandemic is starting to wind down...we're so grateful to be able to start traveling again. We're hitting the road for Arizona very soon and will be spending the rest of winter down there in Sedona. I haven't been very active on here lately because been taking a deep dive into filmmaking. I've been taking Casey Neistat's class and been an amazing journey so far. It'd be fun to catch up if you're around this summer!

I'd love that, @ericvancewalton. "...starting to wind down", I'm not sure about but generally, I feel that people are just over it. Healthy people should just be living their lives. Glad to hear you have a trip coming up. What a great way to spend the rest of the Minnesota winter. Text me when you're back in town. Safe travels.

I was just thinking of you the other day and was wondering what wonderful dark photos you were up to and producing. It seems like you're getting into things again (as all of us try and see where our place is in the new ever changing New World LOL) I'm going to have to check out your project. Keep your spirits up and happy to see such a good post of joyful hopes :) @kommienezuspadt