Cable car accident in Genting Malaysia?

in #life7 years ago


Today, occurred in Genting, Genting cable car rope broke, 17 people were killed.


I received this news from a friend of mine but I do not know if the news is real or fake. I couldnt find any other source to confirm the news because it was not being reported. It might be covered up by the media or gov to avoid panic. 07c7a006-d44b-4927-a2ee-04e992b7c4f9.jpg

I truly hope that this is fake news and wish that this had never happen.


Is it true?
Let's go and see on our own

wow sad news.. if it is real..

i hope its not true

Wow, real or fake

Very sad if its true :(

Oh my goodness. If this is a true story it is so tragic. God bless everyone involved.

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Just stumbled upon this and think I should leave a message for clarification in case any future confusion. The accident photo is real, but it's a bus accident in Malaysia. Not the cable car as claimed. Further detail can be found from Malaysia official news report.