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RE: The War on Freedom

in #life5 years ago

Excellent broadcast as usual Maxwell. You inspire me a lot to be more active, as you often plea for us to do in your broadcasts. So, here is my little part...

Digital Matrix: In case you may be interested, I've just completed a very thorough exposé entitled Digital Con of the Century: The DCG Group – How we are being sucked into a digital slave matrix .

This is yet another way that the powers-that-shouldn't-be are trying to ensnare us - this time into their digital slave matrix and new digital financial system (also largely driven by biometrics).

The exposé focuses on a very devious conglomerate called the Digital Currency Group, or DCG.


Hoping you can spend some time to read (and digest) it, just as I often enjoy doing for your fine work.



P.S.: If you think the work is worthy enough, I could sure use and appreciate a re-steem to help get this important message out.


i only just saw this brother, great work