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RE: Crazy Dreams, Wall Street Shenanigans, and Mindful Moments

in #life3 years ago

You are fortunate to have such vivid dreams and remember them, sure this comes from having a vivid imagination!
My dreams are so scrambled and even though it make total sense when I wake up, by morning it's forgotten;)
Glad to see you've set up a Mindful Moments community, I've not been active much on FB of late.
I will order a copy of the ebook and then write a review on Amazon.
Take care my friend, sorry to talk about it but this new Covid variant is really horrid! We've heard of 2 young pregnant moms who both died from it, they're in their late 20s! I've heard there's 2 cases in the States, hope it doesn't spread further there!


Hi Lizelle! One thing I've learned from these dreams is our subconscious minds are always at work, even when we don't realize it. One thing I did in my early 20's was keep a dream journal. I found that if I scribbled a few notes about the dreams, just after waking, it allowed me to remember more and more of them. I appreciate you buying a copy and doing the review! Yes, these new variants are super concerning. I'm so sorry to hear about all of the tragedy over there. We just got a new variant from Brazil here in Minnesota. Supposedly, the vaccines will protect you from the most severe symptoms of any of the least that's what they're telling us in the US. It won't prevent you from catching it but they're saying it will protect you from dying. My Mom had here first dose of the Pfizer vaccine a few days ago and she gets here second dose on 2/18. I'll breath a sigh of relief after she has that second dose. Take care of yourself and have a wonderful week, my friend!