The Philosophy Of Fears In Our Subconscious Mind.

in #life6 years ago

If I ask you a question, will you answer it honestly?

The question is what is your biggest fear in your life?

Do you even know the answer yourself?

Many unreasonable answers will pop up in your mind like snakes, heights, cockroaches etc.

But does these fear control your life, do these things control what profession you are in now?

There are more unfortunate things lurking in our minds that we fail to figure out forever.

There are about five fears that define our lives. These affects every decision we make and we never knew that these existed somewhere inside us.

These are:

1. Criticism.

Criticism is the biggest fear in our life. Our actions are based on what others will think about us or how we can impress someone else through our actions.

The fear of criticism is so vast that we can not even admit what we want in our lives in front of others.

We spend our entire lives playing the role of someone else, when most of the times we are saying in our minds, screw you, this is not what I want to do.

But we still do it, because we fear criticism.

Because of criticism we believe that someone else is always right but not us. Sometimes we even know that the other person is wrong, but we don't oppose him because we fear mockery.

The fear of losing respect in front of others! Have we ever asked ourselves, "Are we losing our self-respect in doing so?

Are we losing our confidence, the power to make decisions for ourselves?

And at the very end, the power to decide our fates.

The only way to remove the fear of criticism is through willpower and faith.

Next time, when you feel confident about your actions and thoughts, don't think about what someone else will think.

Have faith in yourself and decide as it will be you who will face the consequences, whether the decision is yours or of someone else.

2. Failure.

Imagine that you are fired from your job tomorrow.

Or think how you will feel if you lose all your money now.

Had these imaginations intimidated you, even a bit?

Then you have a big fear of failure, everyone has, most people don't recognise it. A very few can.

Losing a job creates a fear of failure in your career, losing the money creates fear of failure in your financial skills.

Any materialistic thing that you fear to lose is a fear of failure, whether you will admit it or not.

You only fear it because you believe that you can not get it back.

If you have no fear of failure, you will know that there will be another job waiting for you somewhere, another way to make your money back.

If you are making any contingency plan, you have a fear of failure and you are partly preparing yourself to fail.

Burn all the bridges for what you want to do; you must do it at all costs.

This is the only way to succeed, embrace the failure if you fail, don't fear it. And move forward.

There is a story of an army winning against all the odds. They burned their ships on which they arrived the enemy state so that there is no way to turn back. The only way is winning the war or to die fighting. They won as told in the history.

3. Fear Of Poverty.

We have a huge fear of being poor, and it is hidden somewhere in our minds. People fear it so much that they commit suicide, steal, take part in unethical and illegal activities.

Fear of poverty is the only reason that people steal and scam others.

If we try to remember, most of the financial mistakes that we made were because of our greed. And that happened because we feared poverty.

It is true that man is respected based on the money he possesses and most people don't care how someone made it. That's why greed overcomes our confidence that we can make more money by shortcuts instead of doing something more useful and purposeful in life. Fear of not having money can force you to do something illegal.

We must be confident about ourselves, that if we love our work; if we are happy with our jobs; if we are content with our skills, one way or the other, we will make money in abundance.

The opposite of all this is true too. If we don't provide any useful services, but fear being broke, we will end up being poor or on the opposite side of the law.

4. Fear Of Poor Health And Death.

These fears are the creation of our own imaginations. Death is inevitable, fear it or not; it will come and knock at your door one day.

It will be better if we enjoy life while we are alive and healthy, live a purposeful life instead of fretting death and take decisions accordingly.

Fear of poor health is a way of degrading ourselves. It is a disease in which we create conditions we are suffering from and feel ill.

Most probably, we will end up suffering from these diseases if we don't stop worrying about it, or we will go in severe depression.

If we ignore these thoughts and believe the reality that there is nothing wrong with us, we are perfectly fine; we will seldom fell ill.

Our body recovers itself from any disease or injury. The medicines are mostly sedatives given to ease the pain.

If we believe we can recover from our injury, we will improve faster than we can imagine but if we believe that this injury or disease has handicapped us for life, we will live our lives in despair.

The fear of old age is also related to these concerns. And most people have this fear. They want to stay young forever.

Maybe the fear is of being dependent financially and physically in the old age.

As you have heard, with age comes wisdom. One can be as much productive and energetic until the end days of one's life, only if one wants. We have an enormous number of examples in this world where people in their mid 70's and 80's are working perfectly fine, with good health. Some of them are even achieving more than the people in their 20's.

With more experience, you can do things better, faster and make fewer mistakes.

5. Fear Of Everything Going Wrong.

Thinking too much is a thing we all do daily. It is entirely reasonable unless one's life is affected by it.

Your life can become miserable if you worry too much, it will affect your decision-making ability, and you will make one wrong decision after another.

What we call misfortune starts with excessive worrying when we can't think straight. Keep this thing in your mind; you have no idea what will happen in the future, nobody has. You just have to act according to the cards you are dealt with. But if you analyse too much and believe that you will end up losing every time, you will definitely lose.

Be like water, whatever shape you are poured into, take it.

Embrace every moment of life, as it comes with a different and beautiful experience.

We can find a solution only if we know what kind of fear we are dealing with, accept it, and then let it go from our minds.

There is no way of dealing with these psychological fears without admittance.

All images are under CCO Creative Commons from Pixabay.


"Embrace every moment of life, as it comes with a different and beautiful experience."

Trust. Learn to be the observer - without judgment, criticism, or negative thought. Don't suppress thoughts(even if they are negative), acknowledge them, and let them pass. All things pass with 'time'.

It's only when we fully immerse ourselves in the present are we truly able to free ourselves from suffering.

Thanks for sharing

Those are really nice thoughts, thanks for sharing.

Whenever I see a post of you on my feed, I always get surprised with the thought provoking messages your words depict.

I agree, we are feared of procrastinated losses. Unimaginative outcomes and flowed by uncertainty; while we can go to bed every night with a string hope of getting awake in the morning (Having an alarm ⏰ setup). Whoa!

It's true - Humanity and it's complexity of thoughts are yet to be dominated by the Science, even after several years of gradual improvements in both technology and methodology.

Thank you for such an eye opener.


Life counts when you use those fears and let them be the drive you need to catch that ''old man'' wisdom! Great post my friend!

Thanks a lot.

Be like water ... nice post @looftee !

hi bro
nice post
thanks for sharing
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Nice comment.

Nice one bro,
Am in love with your write up