cure partial prescription

in #life6 years ago

1These little recipes are simple, but really practical, if you think you can use it, then stay and share it with your friends, believe that it can really help you!
Old vinegar peanuts drop blood pressure
Peanuts in our country has been very popular food, eat 10 old vinegar peanuts every day, hypertension and coronary heart disease have some auxiliary effects.
Practice: after boiling and cooling the peanut, put in the covered glassware, with high-quality vinegar soak 8 ~ 10 days, can be made into old vinegar peanuts.
. Willow leaves can cure beriberi
When the toe seam fester, pick a few of the tenderest willow leaves, rub it into a small ball, clip it in the toe crevice fester place, in the evening insert again put on the sock, to prevent slip off, the next day can take effect, the foot can cure 3 days.
When the beriberi large area of illness, can be tender willow leaves a handful of water, and then with bitter warm water bath feet can also rise
3360截图165307157092105.pngpurslane for ulcerative colitis
Fresh purslane 30 ~ 60 grams of fried water 1 bowl, pour 10 ~ 15 grams of mashed garlic mud, filter juice, add bran, 2 times a day.

  1. Black fungus, lean meat, ginger to treat cerebral infarction
    10 g black fungus, 150 g lean meat, 3 slices of ginger, 5 dates, above the three flavors with six small bowls of water, put in the casserole pot, boil 20 minutes after adding a little salt, do not add other dressing. Eat meat and soup once a day. The general patient takes 4 ~ 5 days to heal.
  2. Eggs, bamboo leaves and soup for bronchitis
    Pour a fresh egg into the bowl each morning and stir it evenly. Wash and boil the bamboo leaves. Boil the leaves and remove them. Then pour the boiling water into the prepared eggs. Cover them with a dish.
    Take it every morning on an empty stomach. Don't put any seasoning in the egg, especially salt. Stick to 15 to 20 days, chronic bronchitis will have effect.
  3. Oils can cure beriberi
    Every day before sleeping with warm water after washing feet, with cotton stick dipped in the right amount of spray oil on the affected area, generally used continuously for 5 days, can basically achieve pain relief, stop itching. If accompanied by a blister, the blister should be broken by a needle first, and then with the oil.