13 Reasons Why She's Not Texting You Back

in #life7 years ago

13 Reasons Why She's Not Texting You Back

  1. You know what makes women run away faster? tYpIn LyK dI$. Even if you are not texting a girl , Stop using this immedietly ! its a f*#kin Crime !!
  1. You're stalking her way too much. Most girls like attention, but that doesn't mean you go overboard and like her pictures from 1997. Show your interest but not this much !

  2. Plain and simple : She is Not at all interested in you. Take a hint, stop wasting your time, and find someone who is.


  1. You've been spamming her with too many messages. What's worse than a creepy guy? A creepy guy who doesn't get the hint. If she hasn't replied to a message, sending her 10 more messages is definitely not going to help your case.

  2. You don't know when to stop. You're pursuing her way beyond her comfort zone. You may have had a great first conversation but you probably ruined it all by asking her out every single night since then.

  3. She probably doesn't find your jokes funny. And it's a put off to talk to someone who has a bad sense of humour but still constantly tries to be funny. texting-mistakes-dating-gif.gif

  4. You are boring, realize this and stop bothering her with those not so interesting stuff. She might not be interested in your brothers height or you friend's makeup.

  5. You're awkward at conversations. Your replies to most of the things she says are ‘haha', ‘Hmmm' or worse, ‘K'. K is the official conversation killer. Stay as far away from it as you can. Mostly this is a way girls use but yeah some guys too behave like girls sometimes.

  6. You are sexist and you may not even know that. Read the last line of point 8. This kind off stuff is a huge turn off !

you are being desperate

  1. Maybe, there's nothing wrong with you. Maybe, she was just testing your patience and your desperation towards her.

  2. You're way too desperate and it's making her uncomfortable. Find the ways to comfort her.

  3. You are way too much friendly to her other friends. Believe me this can also be a reason so define boundaries before being friends with her friends.

  4. She too has a life mate. Maybe she is thinking what to text or busy with her work, give her some time and space till then stay calm !

Bonus : Maybe she is too lazy to text back ! Yes i know some girls who are such lazy creatures ! Call her , but not too frequently that you disturb her ! Know the line when she gets irritated.

Goodluck , we hope she will text you and me back ;)

Doubts ? Leave a comment ! We will sit together and definitely find a solution for this global issue.