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RE: Got ants? Easy solution to get rid of them

in #life6 years ago

We've got ants at my work. Every year the same problem. And we can't find out where they come from, but especially in the kitchen. With people with dementia you don't use chemical products, for they can pick it up and the worse case scenario is that they eat it. Borax isn't either a natural product ;-) but I will mention it tonight (when I go to work) to put in the kitchen cupboard. They don't reach that far.
So thank you for this, for suddenly I might have the solution...... (never thought of putting it in the cupboard .... silly me)


Cornmeal. It takes a little longer than this recipe. It operates the same way, its safe in cupboards and around pets. If you can find where the nest starts outside...Borax it the best way to go (as long is the animals don't get near it)

We can't find the nest (for years) but cornmeal is a give it a try too in this case. Thank you !

You're welcome. :)

Borax is a mined mineral. Boron is actually an essential micronutrient. If you call poison control they will tell you the number or traps you would have to eat to get sick or die. My dog ate an ant trap before and I called and they said he would have to eat a bunch of them to have a problem.

Oh really ! I didn't know. Thank you.....

careful though boron can raise testosterone so they might get a little randy

whahahahaha, I had to look up the word "randy"...... ;-)
I don't have dogs, so I'm safe 😜

not the dogs, the dementia patients!

Oh whahahahahaha well fortunately they can't reach so low in the kitchen cupboard.