Abundant as the river flows

in #life5 years ago

Imagine yourself as an hour Glass.

The sand in the bottom represents the things that you have received. It is yours to opposed, to own, to use as you wish.

The sand in the top are the things that are yours to receive. The are in "limbo", waiting for you to be ready.

The sand passing through the middle represents the things in your present.

So much sand on either side, having already passed through our awareness and ready to enter our space. Everything is already yours. The idea of limitation is impossible when you see things from this perspective.
So much abundance is yours.

ask yourself ...

Are you limiting your flow? Have you constricted yourself in one way our another?

In order to receive the things that you wish for you must acknowledge and accept the things in your present. They must pass through the hour glass in order to make room for what's coming next.

How can you be abundant?
How can you allow life to flow through you?
How can you receive that which is already yours?

Posted using Partiko Android


You’ve been visited by @porters on behalf of Natural Medicine!

Well put! I appreciate you giving us a new perspective! I find when you can adopt a new perspective, change can happen and this would be a wonderful change - a change to abundance and having life flow, with you being there to receive what is already yours!
I'm not sure if you are familiar with the Mindful Life discord community that is run through the @naturalmedicine server here We run run group meditations and support each other as we grow through conscious awareness. Sounds like you might be in that groove. If so feel free to pop in and see what we're all about!

Consider supporting Natural Medicine through continued use of the #naturalmedicine tag, or delegating any amount through clicking below. We're all for empowerment through natural wisdoms, and love to support those on their healing journey. Come join us on Discord if you're not already there! We'd love to have you.


@metama actually like makes you flow in your limit , if you have money then you can go limitless ,but if you don't have you have to be in your limit to survive. Nice article.

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We can be our own block and block the flow of Abundance in our lives. We can clear the flow with our own mind, the blocks are all there.

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"Am I limiting my flow?" is a STUNNING question to ask! And yes, the hourglass is fascinating. I like the idea of turning it upside down again and reviewing everything I got and learned and believed as it passes through a second time. And a third... :)

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