
That looks like an awesome place to work at.

I'm sure they will have lots of cool toys inside as well.

Wow, that is hard to believe that there are buildings which cost that much money. That is so huge! Thanks for sharing, upvoted and followed.

A tremendous investment to be sure, but Apple has the cash. I wonder if other big tech companies will want to 'outdo' this building/campus? What will the next audacious corporate HQ look like and where will it be built? London, Dubai, silicon valley, Singapore, Shanghai, Berlin, Tokyo?

That's an incredible campus that they have built. Upvoted and followed!

Wow - sponsored by Apple customers :-)

Seriously! Although, I am not an iPhone user. I fall into the Android camp. Tried the iPhone and liked it (nice polish) but prefer the flexibility of Android and the mostly great Samsung Galaxy S7 edge (although for the past couple of days the battery drain has been terrible - probably due to the 2nd bad update this year)

Apple spares no expence ! Im so glag to see the Solar Panal Energy ! Three thumbs up ! 👍👍👍and a very cool looking , state of the art future in building design! Awesome and thanks for shareing! 👍👍👍

Great design and smart architecture. Beyond being a very stylish Green building, I hope it raises the bar for other companies to design for global sustainability.

Most definitely! Me too ! It really is beyond awesome ! 👍👍👍

holy cow!

Yup, that is one high tech donut.