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RE: There’s A Fine Line Between Helpful And Creepy...

in #life4 years ago

How long until 1984? Big Brother called Google is watching our steps. Sometimes I have felt that there must be a place in the world where there is a file with all the data of the people who live on earth (I have a slight suspicion that with that data they will create clones hahaha). The chapters in your book are great and the pictures are amazing. Bright, vivid colors for this hot Friday! Nice weekend for you, Eric!


I think we’re there already (1984)! That theory would make an excellent peace of fiction, Nancy. I’ve often wondered if they’re feeding all of this data they’re collecting in real-time to a super computer (like Tesla cars are gathering data constantly to upgrade the autonomous driving feature) for use in some future artificial intelligence application. Talk about creepy! Thank you so much and enjoy your weekend!