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RE: And Life Goes On...

in #lifelast year

Yesterday I was telling a friend about you and your relationship with Amstel. In fact I showed her one of your blogs where you appear with him, out for a walk, telling his witticisms. It brought tears to her eyes! She also recently lost her dog, so the idea of getting the print tattooed may seem like a beautiful act of love to her. As for the other things, I agree with you about being cautious: there are a lot of sucker hooks out there. The ideal is to find out well, because suddenly it's a good opportunity for you. Take good care of yourself, wrap up warm, Eric, and enjoy your trip. I'm already looking forward to seeing those pictures. Greetings to the family


Thank you Nancy! My condolences to your friend who lost her dog. After doing my research on the agency they're a legitimate one with a lot of successful authors on the client list. It sounds like they're just sending out mass emails to a lot of authors at once, casting a wide net looking for new clients. Although it's tempting to submit a pitch to them, I decided to pass. I'm very happy I chose the self-publishing route and it's been good to me.

We're officially in countdown mode for Sedona! In less than a month we'll be down there basking in the sunshine. There will be lots of pictures to come! I hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend!