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RE: Have you ever met a famous person? What is your story?

in #life6 years ago

I wouldn't know a famous person if they punched me in the face these days, as I stopped watching TV in 2012, and I haven't a clue who's in the charts. But I've met a few "stars" over the years.
I was a big fan of The Associates in the 1980s. They had a big hit with Party Fears Two, and a cover of Love Hangover. I still think their music is very original. I used to work in Dundee, and I once spotted the band's singer, Billy Mackenzie, at a club. I'd had a few drinks, and I went over to him and told him that I loved his music. He beamed and we had a brief chat.
The next morning I was totally slagged off at work, because apparently everyone knew Billy Mackenzie. People seemed to think I'd been trying to chat him up, and it became a bit of a running joke (mostly in good humour though!). I didn't care, because Billy was so gracious when I approached him. He looked genuinely pleased to be complimented, and he seemed to be a lovely guy. I was really sad, years later, when I heard that he'd killed himself.
I'm glad that I had the chance to show my appreciation.


I heard of that guy. Yes ! So what if you were trying to chat him up. The others were probably jealous he wouldn't give them the time of day!

I think that just about sums it up ;)