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RE: Apparently this is about Golfing on Mushrooms?

in #life3 years ago

Sometimes I think about these youth working to get attention in ways where youthfulness is almost a requirement. It's not really something one can do their entire life. That might cause some problems down the road for a lot these people, but we're not at the stage yet to be able to examine the fallout, since this career path is relatively new. This thought came up as I was writing that article but I deleted everything thinking it might upset people who maybe haven't thought of that yet, but at the same time, I realize those who could benefit from preparedness most likely wouldn't have read it.

Tell me why you think that market would avoid it. I'm of the mindset people will buy anything, and you're free to change it.


That's the thing about 'young industries'... pretty hard to predict how they'll grow :)

And c'mon, you? Concerned about upsetting people enough to delete your thoughts? Seems unlikely at best 🤣

Well, I may have given the wrong impression. No need to change your mind, I believe we agree. To clarify, I didn't mean the entire market would avoid it, more that the masses burning funds to consume are far more likely to throw those funds at Kim K, Elon, or The Rock rather than my epic dissertation on 'human intelligence,' and that my piece may be for a much smaller, rare-er, niche-er audience is all. :)

The way I had it mixed in with that, it didn't fit in, and could have been taken the wrong way. You're a writer. You get to a point, the flow is gone or the tone changes, chop that bit out, continue on. Something like that.

And you're right, probably. People ain't got time for dat shit. I even get shit for some of the things I've done that don't exist to add anything of importance to the mind other than a good time, hopefully; but it's too long...

But what you are doing right is applying personality. It's not an essay. Those types you speak of would for sure not touch an essay.

Don't be too hard on yourself if you feel like it was a flop. That was one of my flops.

Yes, I totally get it, I was just playing around man, I didn't take your words literally there, but I appreciate the clarification :D

Hahaha, "But it's too long," indeed. Exactly!

And yep, I'll just keep on keepin'-on, personality-style, yo, and thanks for sharing one of your 'flops', I'll give it a look. :)