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RE: Been Awhile Since I Last Said Something About the Things I Want to Say

in #life3 years ago

No, I would not laugh, that is fucked up. There are people who are very close to my heart who took the injection(s). Some were 'pushed' a little to do so, because of their job.

A few got ill, only for a couple of days, luckily. In one case in particular I did not think it was funny at all. Still a bit worried, where will it all end.

Worldwide there are people who died after the first or second injection and some became handicapped for life. That is nothing to laugh, nor joke about, it is just very sad.

Posted using Dapplr


Over half of Canada took it. People are aware of the risks. They made a choice and most are fine. I don't discount the fact there have been problems either, but that was expected. Only the tabloids frame it in a way that makes it sound like medicine was trying to hide something. Only when framed politically, adding spin, was it ever said to be perfectly safe. Only when framed politically, adding spin, was it ever said to be fully toxic. People are duping one another with magnets, for views and likes.

The whole thing is nothing to joke about. Nothing to bullshit about either and I see a lot of that. No independent content creator or wannabe journalist is privy to inside information, unless they're looking inside their fridge, because that's about as far as they move in a day.

Feeling too tired to even try and continue this conversation in a way that I think is well balanced. Almost time for me to hit the sack.

Fully agree on: "The whole thing is nothing to joke about."

Posted using Dapplr

People can believe whatever they want to believe. Just don't forget there are others experiencing their lives within the chaos. Not every situation can be treated the same face to face as some do when on the internet rehearsing their usual/predictable talking points. There are two sides, both at times can be overly arrogant and inconsiderate. There are a lot of people on the fence, staying quiet.