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RE: Have I Lost Faith in Humanity?

in #life3 years ago

If it doesn't change, the world is going to lose all its friends.

Nicely said.

We're not assholes for pointing it out and saying, "That's not going to work."

As it turns out, we are.

Who are we to question their belief system? Who are we to attack their ideas?

It feels like everyone has the same response when you disagree on something important to them. Only a few are willing to openly discuss different ideas, in one shape or another.

So, there's actually no point in wasting time debating apes. :D

You should have slapped that fool.


You know what? Being wrong is still a possibility. But that's when it's time to calm down, and teach. And I do find it to be very peculiar how even questions get shot down and converted into insults sometimes. Any time that happens, I feel it's only natural to think they're hiding something.