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Thank You!

Thank's for sharing such an informative post! Omega-3 is so important to the body, I supplement as I'm vegan, I use a DHA and EPA complex made from blue-green algae and chia seeds and I'm really noticing a difference in my helth :)

That's what i am talking about.

Thank you for this. I've been doing health study for a little bit now and I could use this as a reminder of things I want to include!

Very very informative, omega 3 is very much essential for the health...

indeed my friend

I used to take omega-3 supplements, but somehow they went by the wayside - probably because I was sick of taking 25+ pills every day and wanted to cut the number down. But you've inspired me to put it back into my morning vitamin regimen. Thanks.

I do not encourage anyone to take any kind of bills even vitamins, i take bills only in emergencies.
try to take vitamins throw healthy food.