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RE: The Daily Meme #277!

in #life3 years ago (edited)

A while ago you left me a comment about trading on hive engine. I was wondering if you have access to a tutorial or easy to understand way to auto trade on there, for those of us who have less time to do it manually. I'm guessing there is no "easy" way to do this, but any info or guidance on this would be welcome, as I would really like to get into it/setup some automated system if possible.


It costs 200 bee to get premium.
It takes 1000 bee staked to keep the bot on.
Each token you want to trade takes 200bee staked.
I'm very happy with the bot.
Watch for falling markets and manipulators, though, it's easy to get caught on the wrong side of a falling market.
I mitigated this by only trading coins I would hold anyway.

Cool, will check it out some time soon. Maybe as little later as I dont have any BEE right now. Sound like it might be better to trade in a bear market with less volatility.

Thanks for the guidance!

I traded the last of my steem to get it going.
I have it paused right now because sps and dec both dropped on me and I don't want to sell at a loss to get back into the spread.
It didn't take long getting back the 200 bee.