Management- Negotiation Model

in #life6 years ago

8 steps negotiation model

1-Prepare: Basic research to know the opponent and clear strategy and result in mind

  1. Open: Clear discussion to know each other viewpoints

  2. Argue: Backup your case with evidence and uncover defects in their argument.

  3. Explore: Establishing common ground and agreeable outcomes.

  4. Signal: Show that you are ready to reach an agreement.

  5. Package: Put together different acceptable options for both parties.

  6. Close: Come to an agreement and finalize the negotiation.

  7. Sustain: Ensure that their side, and yours, follow through with the negotiated agreement.

Advantage- It provides the strategy, step by step model to be followed during the negotiation process. It also gives the time to understand the viewpoint of the opponents and give the common ground to get the best possible outcome. The solution achieves through this process has sustainability because all the short and long-term effects have been analyzing before reachi9ng to final consequences.

Some people does not believes in importance of preparation as they think to be its as waste of time but in actual sense this step is most important as it give negotiator the knowledge of history and base. If any of the steps are skipped in the process, the solution might not be reached faster but there has been always a question of the sustainability of the solution achieved. If any options are skips there is a chance that healthy discussion might not be done and some options in clearly ignored which is not good in terms of company point of view.Negotiation model.jpg