in #life6 years ago

Why does it sound so different.

On our lawn cutting adventures last year, @bluerthangreen and I wound up a lot of places. Some of those places were rural while others were urban. While we may have lived in some major cities before, these days we have both chosen to live out in the middle of nowhere. Things are a little different in the middle of nowhere when compared to the city.


Gunfire can be heard anywhere within earshot of a gun, and the sound can carry. I've heard it in various places growing up, and hear it often enough now. These days though, it doesn't really phase me. If I hear some shots, it's usually someone up to something, but not exactly something evil, or even specifically dangerous. If you hear a lot of gunfire, then someone is either sighting in a gun or having some fun with target practice, perhaps with a buddy. The point is, if I hear gunfire, it really doesn't affect me much at all these days. People have guns in the country for any number of reasons and if they didn't know what they were doing, then they'd all be dead sooner or later.

Last summer, though, I heard a gunshot and was immediately unnerved. I was concerned, possibly even a little afraid. The moment that I felt such a response in my body I instantly wondered, "What is so different about this gunfire?" Well, this time, I was in the city, St. Louis, MO to be exact. Things are different in the city.

Could someone just have been sighting in a gun? No, not really. That just isn't allowed. Could have have been having some fun enjoying a bit of target practice? Not exactly a valid option either, is it? These days, in the cities, few valid reasons for gunfire even exist, which is probably why just hearing it made me feel so different inside.

I've had my share of run ins with guns that wouldn't exactly be considered appropriate. From having some pulled on me to being worked over and pistol-whipped like in the photo above, I know that guns can be used in inappropriate ways. Still, it's not the gun itself that poses the threat, but the one holding it.

I guess that out in the country I had gotten so used to hearing gunfire under "normal conditions" that I forgot how terrifying it could be each and every time that people hear gunfire, which seems to be what is happening in some cities. It made me realize that some people spend their entire lives in the concrete jungle and really only hear two types of gunfire. They are either guns being discharged in unlawful and dangerous ways, or the police shooting at someone, both of which can be a terrifying situation for people. Anyway, I'm just trying to share an experience and a few thoughts, and I just felt like pointing this out. I'm not trying to push any agenda, but I can understand the viewpoints of others a little better now. Thanks!

Also, for more on the "getting worked over with a pistol story" you can click here.

Until next time…

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GIF provided by @orelmely




Over here in the UK guns are banned, farmers and licenced gun clubs let certain people carry guns.
A long time ago we had the Dunblane massacre back in 1996 I think were a school got targetted and a lot of 4 and 5 year olds died.
After then the law about owning a gun changed and for the better.
I went shooting with my uncle years ago for pheasant and I was with a lot of men. the dogs would go and retrieve the birds when they were shot and then placed in the barrow of the farmer's tractor.
I still hear the gunshots when laid in bed at night and it still goes through me 20 years later.
With the laws of guns in the UK been how they are we hear more about knife crime now, When I worked as a bouncer 10 years ago I had a guy pull a kitchen chefs knife on me, my colleague who I was working with at the time hit him in the back of the head and knocked him out.
If he had not been there at the time I could be dead right now.
I'm a big believer in peace, I like to treat people the same as I would like to be treated. I just wished everybody felt the same.
respect for your post.

Yeah, no matter what weapon I do or don't have, I'm gonna be peaceful with it, and use it for it's an intended purposes whether it's a gun, knife, spoon, crowbar, hammer or anything else.

that's true my friend. I like to fill my life with positivity and with what you have just said is just that, everything has got its use. I can understand guns but that's for the police and army, farmers and hunters. not for random people to walk around with.
I saw a post the other day on the dreaded facebook and I think it was a kid aged about 12 doing a social media experiment, He walked into several shops and tried to buy adult magazines lotto tickets and some smokes and couldn't buy them.
he then walked into a gun convention and some dude sold him a gun. my jaw dropped to the ground when I saw this.
How is anyone safe when this can happen, kids minds don't work like us adults, they play games like grand theft auto and then think the in thing for the day is to shoot at someone.
I am not saying games are to blame for these actions but without proper education, these things will keep happening.

Someone almost knifed you? There are knives in the UK? I'll have to hurry and change my travel plans. Let me know when you get those all rounded up, maybe I can visit the UK then.

haha. it was years ago when my oldest was born but yes. I wasn't best impressed.
I've also been punched in the face with knuckle dusters
glassed with a wine bottle
and hit on the head with a stiletto, This hurt the most, the heal caused a nice wound to the head which bleed so I couldn't see as it went in my eyes.

the Good old days of working at night clubs. I know it sounds a little crazy but I wish I could go back and do it again. it was so much fun.

The UK is not that bad TBH just stay away from seedy bars and back alleys and you will be fine. If you do come to the UK and visit Sheffield send me a message and I'll meet you for a drink.

I'd like that. I'm sure we agree on a lot of other things.

cool, I'll keep an eye out for a message from you on here. i'll be looking forward to meeting another Steemion

Yeah man! Any gun shots near concrete is a little unnerving. Out where we are there are shots everyday. I am pretty sure I heard someone take 15 shots at a deer haha!

Deerzilla will not die! LOL

Wow. I've only taken one per deer so far, let's hope that never grows to 15.

My father and brother used to go out deer hunting with a bow and arrow (I think my brother still does that).

Maybe mine is a city person's perspective, but taking multiple shots at a deer seems very “unsportsmanlike”. I can perhaps understand it if someone is desperate to feed his hungry family, but 15 shots still seems quite wasteful. Hunting with a bow and arrow takes much more skill and patience. My two cents.

Resteemed for relevance.

You'rr right, bow and arrow is much more skill. I jave no idea why they take so many shots...they need more practice for sure.

Yeah man, shoot, stop , reload, shoot, stop reload, shoot....

People are losing the concept of "context".

Hearing gunfire out in the sticks is a completely different proposition than hearing gunshots in the city, which is a major reason I only go into big cities (over 50,000 people) once every two or three years.

For me, hearing gunfire near my home means someone is hunting or punching paper, which is fairly innocuous.

Many city dwellers are quite uncomfortable with hearing such things because they only understand a context which doesn't apply in my case. This is a primary reason not many folks come out to visit, which kind of suits me :)

A major divide between country folks and city folks has always existed and it appears to be getting more polarized.

We'll see how it goes, but I'm not feeling warm or fuzzy concerning the situation.

You are so correct, context makes such a huge difference. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

Hello @papa-pepper

Thanks for sharing your experiences with gun and how you react to sounds of gunshots these days.

Well for me, gun isn't something to be played with or stand while someone practices indiscriminately with it. I take off to my heels wherever I hear one. Life isn't replaceable.

@eurogee of @euronation community

Thanks for sharing this experience. In my country, Nigeria, once you hear the sound of gun, everybody start running. We can't stand sound of fun shot

In many cases, state firearms laws can be considerably less restrictive than federal firearms laws. This does not confer any de jure immunity against prosecution for violations of the federal laws.

When me & my Dad shoot we always hear our neighbors start shooting too, we live in the country, target shooting is common here in Texas. Gunfire has never scared me beyond the initial startle of the gun firing, but I can see how being in an unfamiliar setting it would be "unnerving". While you being in the city was not a normal setting for gunfire to you someone living in a city where they hear gunfire often may not be as scared as if they were in the woods in Texas when they hear gunfire coming from properties all around them. Perspective is a a powerful thing.


Interesting perspective. Perhaps some just become "numb" to it. Thanks!

Meh, I live in a city and from time to time I hear shots but more often it is fireworks, I don't really care too much unless the damned helicopter shows up and is buzzing around the neighborhood. Although sometimes I will here a barrage of gunfire during the day and then I will know the police are at their range where they only practice magazine dumps in order to ensure that they kill whoever they shoot.

Yup right you said when a gets used to such thing it doesnt bother anymore is not actually the gun it is the person holdung it...this really sucks...even if the gunfire is heard from the surrounding ...i have seen a situation like this....gunshot was heard from the nearby place and i was sitting with my neighbour grandma...she is too old ...but when the gunfire struck ..the loud noise nudged the grandma to the minor heart attack....she almost got killed ....heart attack and at such old stage...but thanks to lord she was hospitilized and was fine after few days.....this thing really sucks.....

Wow, I am glad that your grandma was okay. I never thought of that.

wow very nice

thanks for the valuable post dear..that typs of post is appreciated dear
your writing style is good I see
carry on your activity
resteemit done

I love the post it make sense , it a great story from a great man .. More power to your elbow

Nice 👍👍👍

all the time you share very important thing with us and this very usefull

Gun shot sound still scares me alot , because its either someone is targeting something or their is a chaos somewhere , anyway its because of the environment i am though .

this beautiful city view is my dear friend @papa-pepper

Nice post ,so informative. Keep up the good work

Here in my country, if you hear a gunshot it means something unlawful is going on and so everyone tries to hide and stay of the street.

That is not uncommon. Stay safe!

Well, cool
I dont think have ever heard a gun fire sound.
Maybe cos there isnt any need for it

Nice city story! Great post!

Here in our country Philippines, Some remote areas in mindanao, It is legal to carry a gun even in streets young people are not scared. The treat of terrorism is really high so people make their own way to protect themselves against the treath. It is sad to say but here, gun is always use for crime and violence. Bad people abuse and use it to innocent people pointing and intimidating to give their money or else they would kill them. This is the sad reality.

It is a sad reality.

Yep depends who is pulling the trigger.

That certainly is a huge factor, isn't it?

this is great @papa-pepper,
but I think the gun is a bit dangerous.
and maybe with a slightly bigger voice will make our ears hurt.

I could tell right away where you were taking this post.

And I agree, hearing a gun shot in a city would immediately trigger the response of Oh F@ck, Let's get out of here!

But out where I live, perhaps not 7 miles from center city, gun shots ring out every day, since the gun club is only on the other side of the ridge line.

I think nothing of it then. But would be high tailing if I heard those same shots in the confines of the city limits.. yikes

Yeah, then you know that feeling too.

Hell, just the other month there was a triple homicide by gun shootout in the city that I live near.

It is a damn near war zone being in the city over the bridge.

Ah guns! have many. I look at things this way, I do not want to be caught on the wrong end of a barrel, unprepared and helpless. Criminals keep a steady flow of weapons on the streets and those guns are not used for good, they are used against people who don't have guns or those that do and have things they want. Here in the Ozarks, I am not sure I know anyone without a gun. Crime is low! Hunting is normal and food abundant.

I am sure all the criminals can't wait until they increase gun laws so that they have more prey. I guess when guns are outlawed, I will be an outlaw.

Good point, the moment that no honest folks have guns the criminals will take over.

What you wrote up is very terrifying.. How can people in a city feel safe themselves with the voice of gunshots? It should be permitted only in some job groups like policeman or security and so.. But unfortunately there are so many people who feel themselves something else by having guns.. it doesn't have any sense...

Great post.worth reading it.u kept all your efforts.god bless u.

I've had the misfortune of growing up in an inner city environment (Cleveland, Ohio) where it was common to hear gunshots all through the night--especially in the summer. Thankfully I've moved from the thick of it but visited a cousin in Columbus, Oh where there has been a move from handgun fire to automatic weapons all through the night--winter and summer. I believe in the right to protect oneself but what's happening in the states is crazy...

Here in Kenya guns are not that common,where I live I rarely hear gunshots and have never touched a gun either. The few guns that are not with the police are with thugs which they use in stealing but once they are caught the guns are confiscated.

You always make much sense Papa. Guns don't kill, the person who pulls the trigger kills. Gun has no power except the power given to it. Discharge is more about the shooter than the gun.

a cool photo, your talented photography.

and I always feel fear whenever I hear gunfire, My heart started like trembling

Excellent publication, congratulations friend @papa-peper

I here what you are saying. It seams to me that the complex questions of gun control should be handled by the local communities/governments. I live in the rural country and have no problem when I hear a gun shot. But I can totally understand how a gun shot in the city would be a cause for fear. Shooting a gun in a highly populated area is completely inappropriate whereas shooting a gun at my home on a 60 acre farm is a common practice.

Yeah, there is a huge difference in context and environment.

The adventures of a very impressive my friends :)

This morning I was reading an article in a Belgian newspaper HLN (

The article was about guns in Switzerland compared to USA. In Switzerland 1 person on 4 has a license for a gun. Still there are almost no mass shootings happening in Switzerland (last was in 2001).
So why the difference?
Switzerland is neutral and during the last 200 years armed citizens have helped to defend their neutrality.
The gun lobby in USA is often pointing to Switzerland as example to show there are no more rules required regarding gun possession.
But the article mentioned that there are specific rules regarding gun possession in Switzerland.
In Switzerland there is still the mandatory military service. All men between 18-34 years old, have to serve in the army and all get a gun or rifle. They are being trained on how to use the weapon. After the military service they can keep the weapon, but they have to get a license for it. About half of the guns in Switzerland are former service guns.
Before getting the license, they do an investigation. Eg people with a criminal record or drugs/alcohol addicts cannot get the license.
Also in contrast with USA, in Switzerland it is not commonly allowed to carry a gun on the street (only police and security personnel). In USA it is allowed in multiple states.
These are some explanations about why the difference between Switzerland and USA regarding guns. And the number of people who have a gun is going down. From about 46% in 2007 to about 25% nowadays.
The article ends with the statement that Switzerland also has work to do, since the country has the highest number of casualties related to guns in Europe.

Interesting. I've been hearing a bit about that lately. Thanks for sharing it.

Gun sounds can be really scary. I remember passing through in a bus somewhere and some Police men just shot a gun... Leaving everyone to run helter-skelter. Thoses days were really peaceful, not now that people are just behaving anyhow

In my neighborhood, when I hear gunshot. Two things comes to my mind. Is either a robbery incident or someone is being shot at.

i usually feel less concern when i hear gunshot these days. I pretend i didn't hear anything and continue with whatever am doing or going to.

Anything can and will probably be used as a weapon at some point. It depends on whose hands they are in and the nature of that being. Are they peaceful or not?

It really does boil down to that.


I'm a curious person and almost succumbed to temptation. Thank you!