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RE: Life is Precious #6 - The Station Nightclub Fire

in #life5 years ago

I remember both events as that was our clubbing and concert days. The E2 situation with chained doors was and still to this day is common. Nobody will ever admit it, but doors are chained shut at big events where they are worried about people getting in for free or slipping weapons in via a side door after passing security. Can't speak to other parts of the country, but have seen this in Chicago as recently as last year. I called 911 and reported it and quickly the chains were removed, but doubt anything happened to the promoter of the event.

I never saw the whole video showing how quickly the entire building was engulfed in flames. That was truly shocking as to how fast a fire could take over a building like that. Will say for all the issues I take with Chicago and the surrounding suburbs with being a royal pain the ass for businesses to deal with that fire shows partly why their fire codes are so hard to work within.


What surprised me during my research, was that they were filming at The Station that night in response to the E2 fire. Almost as if to say "look how safe our club is!"

I went to Walmart yesterday and found some of that foam in the form of bedding. The fire warnings on the bottom report how oxygen is removed when these combust. You basically pass out leaving you a sitting duck for the fire. That is why I wanted people to see this post. That foam is everywhere.

You basically pass out leaving you a sitting duck for the fire. That is why I wanted people to see this post. That foam is everywhere.

It's horrible that in the name of saving a few dollars companies put crap like this on the market.