Thoughts in Life: Being More is BETTER than Having More. (Original)

in #life8 years ago

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Great men are not made but are born in crisis times. In the midst of poverty, they develop certain thinking on how to uplift themselves and their families. They are not polished with expensive books but sharpened by life's cruelity. Like a rough diamond that first undergo through many process of scrapping and scrubbing to finally show its true beauty.

Our true talents are shown when we are exposed to difficult situations. We can discover ourselves that the impossible things are really possible ifwe just put effort on trying. We may fail first, but don't get easily tired because nothing in this world can be perfect in just having a single attempt.

Do not force yourself in competing with other people, life is not a battle but a conference wherein we meet different kinds of individuals and get to learn from each other. Being great doesn't mean having neither a nice car nor a diploma but to be able to influence others for the better. Like Mahatma Ghadhi who only owned a pair of slippers, chopsticks, a bowl and a diary. With just that, he was able to mark history not only for his country but for the whole world.

Great men are poor in material things but rich in morality. Their dignity and respect that they earned from people is very priceless. People nowadays, treasured more about material things and forgetting about the old ways. I'm not saying modernization is a bad thing and technology is a good sign for a comfort life but life is not defined by comfort only, there's struggle and perseverance to survive and many others.

In this life, what we have is not the basis to define ourselves as humans but instead, let's put our mindset of what we are. Being more human rather than having more treasures is our key in achieving contentment.

Soon we will depart from this world, and we will be seeing God for the first time in person. He will ask you things that I've mentioned before. Everything you had done, things you tried but didn't accomplished, words that you want to say but never released by your tongue, time you had wasted and all the promises you'd made, these are the things that will be flashed in front of your eyes.

Follow me @pinoytravel
I write poems, stories, and thoughts in life.



Being more human rather than having more treasures is our key in achieving contentment.

Being human involves everything that makes us human including being greedy, killing machines. What makes us human is not only the positive aspects. Commerce and material possecions are part of being human. You have value, capital. Whether it is intellectual, financial, or social it makes little difference.

i like your point of views in life. But, it's important to be contented, just like what I always say to my friends, "You can't bring your treasures in life (material things) into second life, whether you have too much of it or less.

Ghandi was lucky. If he'd tried his shennigans against the Russians it would not have worked.

I agree with your post, it was beautifull expressed, upped!!

Thank you! :)

How would it feel to just 'be' and not have to 'be more'?

It's the same, the only difference of being more is the quality you can give to others immaterially. Wisdom.