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RE: What To Write About When I Have Nothing To Write About

in #life3 years ago

Well, "When I Have Nothing To Write About" I usually tend to not write nothing at all. Although also sometimes for the same reason, I have the mania to write everything I've not written before in one fell swoop. The Future


Strange how so many focus on headlines these days. That must mean my headline was a success!

As you know and you must be aware, I am one of those rare species that not only consumes all the content of what I read from top to bottom and from right to left. But I also do the same with each and every one of the comments that the perpetrators of what I read have obtained. But in this case, I think that only the headline was what had the most impact to quote and highlight.


I hope you know I'm just joking around...

We both are always joking around. Especially me!!