The Journey Of Earning And Life

in #life6 years ago


Hey dear steemit friends hope today was great for you all and you enjoyed. Everything has starting point to begin in life every new thing takes time to prove them self and we are only the victim as a human being to see all the thing the happening surrounds us.
When we start thinking of earning in our life have you ever thought that why earning becomes first in life among all the things which we already have in our life actually earning has a great connection with life because we earn for life and our mindset always impels us to earn money to make life better which is good for us and we should do that as a responsibility to grow life.

Things Which Impels Us For Earning Our Dreams


The feelings from where we start our real journey of life, childhood gives us real memory but when we moves out of that our dreams takes place in the race of victory so that we can compare our self with others. At first it is just like race but slowly after getting experience of life we stop following others and want to live our real dreams that what happens with us that we start understanding the real value of dreams and then we start doing to fulfil it as much as we can do.

Comparison In Life

Do you compare your life with others who have better life than you if you do then stop doing comparison with others actually we will avoid but some time family plays that role well by comparing your earning with others yes it is true of life I know it happens with everyone and I am just telling reality but sometime we also feels that yes if we can do more to give happiness other why we can’t you know race of life and nobody would like to stop himself if he has ability to do he will change his thinking and will make new concept of earning big and that may help him.

Targets Of Life

Our increasing needs of life take us to the next level where we start thinking about big and large want to do more and more if we get success to fulfill our little dreams we take next steps with our changing thinking along with changing time we do all the struggle to achieve goal and set a target as a challenge of life and being satisfy when we get successful. Feels pleasure and proud on our self and get encouraged for the next best one of life you achieve all the respect along with what you earn and what you wish to do.

For Comfort Zone In Life

What do you understand by comfort zone is that to live a comfortable life yes somewhere it sounds like ok but it is more than ok because our comfort zone contains much more facilities of life that we all need and after basic needs we want life smooth and free from problems and problem comes in the absence of money and lack of lack of earning. I want to tell you something I have read in the book that we make our path because of our environment, Experience and education which is very true those helps us to give a right direction to grow in life and to achieve something.


We get our comfort zone by troubling all these things by keeping in mind of earning much more and want to be happy in life and to make others happy. So everything just ends on happiness and wellness we all want these for that we gives importance for earning and that is crucial true of our life. Hope you guys will like this article based on life and its fulfillment its achievement and its targets goes through earning I am not giving importance to earning but I just tried to show the journey of its own that how slowly it becomes everyone’s needs and achievement of life.

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Yes earning is surrounding us and getting more and more importance, due to the fact, that we are comparing, wanted or forced by social medias. So main target of parents is to explain their children, that love, understanding and other things will finally lead to real happiness. Would you ask reach people if they are realy happy, i'm sure most of them aren't or then they are lying to themselves.

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thank you jakson.

Good relationship my dear friend

I like 👌 exelente

Thank you.

i like it

Great content

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In the world of imagination everyone want to be rich .Making fort in the air is easy, but it is very difficult to be truthful. It has to struggle constantly for success.Successful people set a goal in the form of struggle for life and the challenge of life, and for the same goal one day turns one day.
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पर ये रास्ते मे पड़ी मिलती नही
मुठ्ठी बांध कर बैठने से पहले सोच लो @certain
जिंदगी अपने आप संवरती नही।

the same idea was moving in my mind . awesome sis

Thanks bro.

A great span of life you have described using all its angles. Life is there to live with peacefulness whether it's to earn money or to have relax, we should enjoyed each and every part of our life. We may be busy sometimes and gets totally free often but we are here in the world to live this jouney.

Thank you

I just like your post very much.your post looks like a genuine post .in this post you are taking about life that is so interesting.keep it up

Thank you dear

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Happiness is important part of life and we need to create that aura around us to be happy and make others happy , looking forward to learn more things from you , if you have any legid earning opportunity pls let me know

These are the kinds of reads you need to get inspired and motivated.

Good work, raksha! Keep it coming.

Thank you all guys for support.

hey congratulations raksha...finally your post was coming in trending...most beautiful post ever you written...

Thank you dear

@raksha Really its catching 22 situations between earning and life .But to live happy life we have to earn money .@raksha really your blog inspire me .
@raksha i am new user please upvote me .

Thanks dear.

I believe that money is a fundamental necessity in today's world, and it is something so complex, that some people having everything, have nothing, are not happy.
You have to live life to 100 and be happy with what you have and always strive to achieve what you want.

Very nice thoughts, thank you, have a wonderful day.

Thank you

Amazing inparation post Your hard work and effort have paid off! A success well deserved, an occasion worth celebrating! Congratulations! @nick750566

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you

Sick of this rat race. ,🙄 Every where you see people are running. Why for what nobody cares ,just run run run and run. Until you get old and realized.

The way you tried to explain life connecting it with money is fabulous. I became a great fan of yours.
Money plays a vital role in every one life’s. But if you only follow money, the time will come when you have lots of money to spend. But at the same time you will come to know that no one is around you to share your feelings.
Relationship along with money both are important part of life. One should have both.
Thanks for this wonderful post. Please do post such articles regularly.

Thank you.

Well said! The world is ruled by money and is everyone weighed or respected in the society by how much he/she earns. So, everyone's need and achievement in life is directly or indirectly related to the level of their earnings.

Thank you.

Nice post please give your opinion in this post about muslim womens इस्लाम में बताया गया तीन तलाक का सही तरीका, जो ज्यादातर मुसलमान नहीं जानते

Why three divorces don't you think it's wrong it can ruin Muslim women life this should be banned.

hey @raksha i am facing the same issue as you mention in you blog my family also compare my income with my other cousin and i am fed up from their this behaviour. i would be great if you would suggest me something to change their thinking. Love from India ❤️

Have Patience dear and don't run for earning love your work it will delay to come to you but you will prove one day so don't give up and just keep doing and forget what other says.

thank you Raksha ❤️

You welcome dear.

Amazing post dear 👏👏👏 well done 👍

Thank you dear.

dear Raksha thanks for giving time to my article. i got here from your post how to manage mine thanks a lot

Thank you

Did you written it by self. If are going to be tranding in future too. God bless u😊

yes these are my own words thank you hope so.

Get out of your comfort zone is actually a way to further expand your comfort zone. Great work ! Just resteemed :D

thank you.

Writing in the nicest possible way. Highly impressed

Thnx for the post....this post make me responsible

Thank you

You written wonderfully.