Stage #3. Kyiv

in #lifelast year

Good day friends! Due to some problems, I did not decide to continue for a long time ... And now, I can’t sleep, and I am writing my story again.
Kyiv! Since my friends no longer want to go to work in Kyiv, it was decided to take my wife's brother with me to help. He had no experience, but I figured it would be fun together. Learn something along the way. Phoned the former employer and he said to go. All working conditions are provided. The advance will be paid.
We collected the rest of the money, took everything we needed and went.


Arriving in the capital, we met and went to the construction site. He was out of town. It was not what we expected… it was necessary to do completely different work, in housing: a huge noisy reservoir, near the cliff there is a trailer without water, sewerage and electricity…full of spiders. It was terrible conditions... but there was no going back. I had to stay and work.


After working for three days on the roof of the house, in the scorching sun, we realized that there would be no advance payment ... Products are over, fuel too. To our questions, we were told that there is no money yet. It wasn't fair. I called a friend on Facebook, he lived in Kyiv. I asked for help with normal work and explained the situation. We met and on the same day we made some money and found an apartment that needed to be renovated. The owner of the apartment allowed me to stay in it and work. For this, my friend is very grateful!

Without him, my plans would have collapsed! I said goodbye to people who acted dishonestly. They did not pay money, although the work was completed by 50%. But a friend advised me not to get involved with such people anymore. So we stayed to work.



With adequate and understanding people. We worked from early morning until late at night. The goal was to find an apartment and take the family. Every 2 weeks I went to the Kharkiv region to my family. Later, I completed the object alone, because a friend needed to stay at home. The work was not easy, but quite profitable.


And for two months of work, I rented an apartment in Kyiv, solved some accumulated financial issues and left for my family!
When I returned home, the car fell into a depression and broke down… I spent a week looking for a master and repairing it. survived. We gathered our strength, prepared food and water for the journey, and let's go!!!)


We drove long and hard. With a small child in a car, 700 kilometers is no joke. But we're off to the future! With great hopes! Together!!! We often stopped to rest, drink tea, coffee and continued to go We arrived late in the evening to our rented apartment, with the discovery of bags, bags and various items.

We unloaded, brought in, had a bite to eat and lay down to rest. The morning was good!!! Kyiv was warm and welcoming!!!




Then there was a detailed acquaintance with housing, with the area, its infrastructure. It is very beautiful in here!!! A park River Channel Lots of playgrounds, lots of people with kids! Life just boiled!!! Everyone LOVED it! I recognized myself as a hero!!!




Yes, the apartment is not big, repairs are not expensive. But the most dear to me people on earth are nearby !!!! Subsequent late weekdays. Home-Work-care. And so three months until the new year. Nothing foretold, at first everything was fine. Then… The problem will work, the lack of wages, with promises to pay before the new year… but… they deceived me.

The man did not pay the money and disappeared. No communication, no documents, nothing. Wasted two months. At the same time, there was a lot of work, it was hard, and wasting time on such work meant wasting health ... Naturally, we did not have holidays. They survived this too. The next work appeared at the end of January. I was recommended by former customers to their parents and I got to work. It turned out well, a little aligned with the rent and in general. This went on until February 23rd.


Night on 24… EXPLOSIONS.. SIRENS.. PANIC.. People fled to shelters, with suitcases and children tried to leave the city, someone from the country. Huge queues formed at gas stations, traffic jams on the roads. It was like a disaster movie. It was hard to believe that this was real...
We lost everything and left her at 214…
she caught up with us here in 2022…
It must have been inevitable...
The most interesting is ahead!
Thank you for your attention!!!
Sorry for my English)
Peace for everyone!!!
To be continued! Soon!!!


I wish this was just a bad dream :(


Everything will be fine, don't loose hope...