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RE: THIS is ME! Lump it or LEAVE it!

in #life7 years ago

Amen! I don't regret any of it happening though, because all of it was necessary for me to finally understand the true importance of self-love and never compromising that. Indeed, it has made me stronger for it. Again I really must say I do thoroughly enjoy your writings! So glad I found them :P


I agree with you wholeheartedly! You cannot live a life regretting your experiences - without them we would never grow! Thank you again for your kind words. I am really glad you enjoy what I put out on Steemit. My intention from the start was to inspire and motivate people through my own experiences.... so whether it is one or many... it means a lot :)

My intention from the start was to inspire and motivate people through my own experiences....

Isn't that what we all hope for as writers/bloggers? :) I know that's why I write Friendship In a New Age, for sure! It's still so mind-blowing to me how much people on here are genuinely supportive of what we put out. And how often they show that they really care about what we wrote, when they write these well thought out paragraphs on their comments and replies! It's just so beautiful :P