How to create an awesome Home Environment

in #life7 years ago


" All should work together to make home a place where we love to be." Spencer W Kimball.

The atmosphere in a home usually reflects its occupants' attitudes and values. It's order, cleanliness and furnishings indicates the skills, activities and interests of family members. Homemakers ( perhaps you've never thought of yourself as such.) have direct control of some of the conditions that create a pleasant, peaceful home. By keeping the home clean and orderly ; by providing ready access to inspiring books, pictures and music, by fostering loving relationships, we can create an atmosphere that would invite a good spirit in the home.


Having an orderly home does not mean that children are never allowed to play with their toys or that mother must inspect every corner and polish the windows everyday. It means that everything has a storage space and is put away after use. When my daughter's 6 year old is at school, she has a great routine for her 18 month old son. The toy room must have the equal amount of toys as royalty, but it is arranged that the toys can quickly be put back. She allows him to explore and build puzzles, read books to him. When it's snack time, she makes a game out of packing away. He goes straight to the utility cupboard to get his wellies, when he wants to go outside. No screaming and unpleasantness. When sister is back from school, she has her fun afternoon as she calls it. She has her chores, but she happily play in the toy room, packing away when she's done. I spent 3 months with them and it was Heavenly.

Family members can find things they need, because they know where it's kept. Soiled items are washed regularly and major living areas are cleaned daily. Personal cleanliness is also important. A clean, neat and well groomed appearance inspires feelings of pride and confidence.


Much unhappiness is avoided when the home is clean and orderly. Many people become frustrated or angry when items cannot be found or are not ready when needed. One family that I know avoids problems in the morning when everyone is hurrying to leave for work or school by having a place where coats, books and other things to be taken can be placed before.

Most families have periods of stress occasionally. Relationships suffer if members of the family do not recognize what is happening and take the action that to reduce stress. Irritable feelings may develop before mealtime, when the need for nourishment has sapped strength and emotional control is low. Stress may increase during illness or under uncomfortable weather or when visitors are present. We need to be on guard at such times to avoid losing patience.


One family has a program where each child is allowed to stay up for a half hour longer after bedtime one night a week to join parents in evening activities. They have found that this practice gives each child individual attention and reduces strain and tension.

The kindness and love family members receive at home can be a refuge from the cares of the world. If the atmosphere in our home is not what we would like, our challenge is to improve it. We owe it to ourselves to have a happy family life.


Sources : RS courses of study own content. Pixabay, Unsplash.


I so love rough interior design texture... Rough furniture, rough walls, slightly rough floor and dull colours. They bring this calming effect..

@ruthofisreal, i love this sentence;

"The atmosphere in a home usually reflects its occupants' attitudes and values."

I am very organised but have to make little adjustment as my family is growing

It's so important for future wellbeing.


You will find that your child’s ability to progress in nearly all areas of self-management and social interaction increases when his environment is organized and structured to meet his unique needs

Absolutely. I have experienced this as a school teacher and also with my own children at home.

Famliy is my happines

And it should be for all of us.

crear un entorno agradable es un buen punto para empezar el diseño de un hogar, las sensaciones y el confort de un hogar/casa va dado de la mano con el diseño de espacios/
Creating a pleasant environment is a good place to start designing a home, the sensations and comfort of a home / home goes hand in hand with the design of spaces.

Love this post, the photos make it all look so inviting. really love the style and layout of everything, feels like home.

Then I've reached my goal. Thank you for your kind response.

Indeed you have... :-)

I got so many things wrong with my kids when they were young. With grandkids one attempts to compensate. It breaks my heart sometimes thinking of how much better I could have done. Tidiness is also part of what I do but is severly hampered by a pinful hip joint. I look forward to being organised again.

I think we all have regrets. We're not perfect, as long as we loved them we have done something right.

That maybe true for most..
I'm not a very organized person but I don't think it affects me at all.
I think having to put everything back after use would kill me mentally.

Different strokes for different folks, hey?

That's true

If you don't think it affects you at present, give it time. Serious reflection later in life will often alter that perception.

I wish my wife will adhere to what your beautiful article just spelt out. Consistency is not my wives virtue. Thanks for the post, it really is very informative.

That's funny. I think with some people it takes longer to realize why it's important.