Lucas the Spider - Giant Spider

in #life6 years ago

Either Lucas is a trick made by bunch of doctors to cure people's fear of spiders, or he's made by God to spread happiness
n all seriousness, can Lucas plushes be sold? Those would be so soft and adorable and I’d buy like 50!

Source video


العقل هو الة الانسان العاقل

حياتي ليست رائعة لكن احاول ان اجعلها كما اريد

غدا سيكون يوما افضل

لا تفقد الامل ابدا فالحياة مفاجئات

الام مدرسة لمستقبل اطفالها

Lucas the Spider - Giant Spider

pocketsend:11@salahchiva, play around with the token of fun - POCKET!

Successful Send of 11
Sending Account: pode
Receiving Account: salahchiva
New sending account balance: 135324
New receiving account balance: 20
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 011186d73e27e4c111d6149e096a0169ceb09566
Thanks for using POCKET! I am running this confirmer code.