How to make your life happy

in #life6 years ago

One of my friend told me that "I’m the one who is always sad. My family, my friends, my lovers they are all making me feel bad. I cant get with all. If i could choose one thing in my life, I’d choose not to live."

So I am going to tell him & every other person who have the same question that how to make life Happy.

Get out there and volunteer. Help your community. Find a hobby or a social group that does something fun. By the way, that’s also how you make new friends. 

Being sad is just another feeling. Maybe it's off what you expect that gets overturned or maybe it's just a lack of the realization of joy. 

All it really takes is for you to redefine what happiness means to you, and where it comes from. 

Some people say it comes from friends, others say if comes from art-forms, stories or godly experiences. I reckon its just the way you think of how your living. If you can teach yourself to see happiness in every little thing and just filter out all the rubbish and negativity that doesn't matter you live a life that's so happy it's crazy. 

Like me sitting on the toilet admiring my vibrant green toothbrush - I'm kind of happy just cause I am. Other people would probably complain about their stomach ache or lack of water. But seriously what's the point if I can just learn from it and apologies to my body and continue thinking about what colors I like more. 

I don't know I'm happy cause I am. I think you should learn to be. I'm sorry if I've been offensive in any way.

But that's how you can make a happy life.