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RE: Abused & Rising Above: Goodbye baby Part I

in #life6 years ago (edited)

LOL you could get another post out of your replies!

The whole exchange of energy and everything being in alignment is so real!

Oh yes! And that's both a blessing and a curse because at least for me on the one hand I didn't want everything to be "all my fault", and on the other hand it meant I had all the power to stop being a victim if I didn't like playing that game. I have not been through the same things you have, but I can relate in so many ways.

Self worth!!! I think that's why so many of us are there right now, trying to clear that horrible draining lack of worth and replace it with love. It's a doozy...if you find lasting answers to that one, let me know. I'm super struggling right now. It's so interesting because I feel it's a vital part of us really stepping into & embracing the new paradigm economy too, even though it seems like we're dealing with it in our "personal" lives it's also so relevant to the "work" that we do and they are truly inseparable.

Hate is a powerful motivator, and I too have used that one to get me through. It's intense to be in a place like the GOE and no longer need it but for it to be an automatic response because it has been a defense mechanism and the driving force and the program for so long. There's a lot to unlearn and replace with healthier responses.

Your story is a great reminder for me to be more grateful. I forget where I've come from - it's a lot easier to look away than it is to really address and deal with things sometimes - but that means I also forget everything that's been provided for me there which is really just no bueno, no bueno at all. Hey maybe I can be the one (or at least one of the ones) who's life is made exponentially better because you're sharing your story! That would be amazing!


Awesome response @saramiller. I love how real and vulnerable you are expressing yourself. I know you know the power of love and hate, and it is awesome watching your transformation on so many levels.

I too have received so many gifts from @quinneaker and the paradise he has built at the @gardenofeden. I don't think any of us escape from facing ourselves, unless of course, we choose to run.

I'm glad you have both hung in here. It really is much better to be doing the work together, even though at times facing ourselves is almost too potent to swallow. I truly believe that is a big part of the blessing.

We are all benefitting already by these posts. So glad we're able to step up and work toward keeping it real! Love you both!

Wonderful response Shellie! Again you almost take the words out of my mouth lol

Great minds do think alike--and we are alike in many ways @kimberleighfl. Grateful to be connected with you.

I think anyone can benefit from hearing other peoples experiences, especially if that person has used their life events to improve! I know you can relate to the underlying feelings that come from any of these things. You don't have to lose a child to feel loss. You don't have to be part of an abusive relationship to understand disappointment and betrayal. We all go through these things in our own way, but I know that we all do at some point. I'm kind of glad I already lived through so much of the bad and now I can improve and keep going for the next 80+ years I will live!
I have learned much from you as well! You hold a type of clarity when it comes to steps of life improvement that I have never know until now. Sometimes it is easier to see something in someone else before you even realize you want or need that for yourself.

I am going to write a post about it lol. After that very informative talk with Quinn, and hours of thought on the subject lol, I realized many things that will help with the self love/ worthiness situation.

Also, I'll be on the look out for your post too

Her story means so much. It could go a long way strengthening and encouraging people around the world that their situation isn't just peculiar to them alone, that someone else has been through worse and that she survived and turned it into success.. Cannot wait to read the next from her.