Would You Want To Be Immortal?

in #life7 years ago


There are many desires that we humans have and death is certainly not one of them. Of course, we are all aware of this inevitability and yet we live like we have all the time in the world.

The thing is, life is fickle and we could be taken away from our loved ones at any time, owing to unnatural causes like diseases or accidents. Even if we are lucky and end up having a normal life, we will still get old and die of old age.

Our biological bodies are literally designed to get old and die. I guess that’s how nature ensures balance where the old perish, making room for newer life to take its place.

We have all seen people in movies trying to conquer death and failing miserably. Such people are often portrayed as villains for trying to break nature’s rule. But what when we try to achieve the same goal ourselves. Right now, some of the best minds are working on methods to increase human lifespan and in the future, we might even reach immortality.

Human Longevity - Already A Reality


Thanks to rapidly advancing technology, human lifespan has already increased a lot in the past century. In 1900, the world average life expectancy at birth was just 31! Compare that to the world average of 71.5 in 2014.

Yes, the lower number a century back was majorly influenced by high infant mortality rate but it was only one factor amongst many. There was a lack of cure for diseases that we now consider common in today’s day and age.

Medical science has surely come a long way, equipping us with tools that help ensure that we live a longer life and are able to fight off diseases. Also, we have cutting edge surgical technology now, the latest of which includes robots performing complex surgery!

So, we have already taken major strides in human longevity and yet, we are just getting started. Longevity is not the final destination. We might one day end up being immortals.

Immortality - A Product In The Future?


Immortality sure sounds like something only a mad scientist would pursue. But so much work is being done on expanding human longevity that directly or indirectly, all of it may lead to us being immortals one day.

By now, I am guessing you must be aware of the development of nanobots that will one day swim in swarms within our body taking care of any ailments whatsoever and continuously repairing our cells and keeping us healthy as long as possible.

Then there are genetic modification technologies which are slowly becoming a reality. Remember I told you that we are designed to get old in the beginning of this post? Yeah, genetic modification will help us change that design if we would so wish to.

Then there will be cures for all the incurable diseases right now. In fact, if genetic modification is mastered, we could virtually be immune to any sort of diseases whatsoever.

Then there are bio-enhancements. Right now these are limited to only some parts of our body but in the not so distant future, we will be able to replace any organ or part of our body with an artificial one which would work just as good and could be replaced any number of times. It would be like upgrading your body parts just like we update our smartphones today!!

And then there is something so crazy and so distant in the future and so far fetched that even talking about it is making me feel a little crazy but nonetheless it is something that is being worked upon. I am talking about downloading your consciousness into a machine (robot for example) and essentially becoming an immortal.

Is It Ethical?


For a second let’s forget about when/if it will ever be possible for us humans to become immortal. Let’s discuss the ethics of such a thing. Immortality means indefinite time and I believe that the only thing that gives meaning to life is the limited time.

First of all, immortality will cause an obvious strain on resources. If everyone becomes immortal and the next generation of people are again immortal, where will we even all fit?

Then there are more abstract problems. What would one even do with an infinite life? When and if we do reach such a stage in our technological innovation, rest assured that the problems plaguing our current civilisation, will have been long solved. Who knows we might not even have to work in the future.

What would one do with such a long and frankly, a life that would get boring after the first 100 years on the planet. In my personal opinion, the only thing that could give meaning to an immortal would be to explore the entirety of the cosmos. Maybe one day we will all be doing just that.

There are 2 pages

I would love to become immortal I think that would be awesome! I think that with the help of virtual reality living forever would be very unlikely to become boring. When using virtual reality especially once it becomes super advanced you will be able to do anything you can imagine. I think immortality could likely be achieved relatively soon. I actually wrote an article on my blog about the multiple ways we will be able to become immortal relatively soon whether its through biological means or non-biological means.
Here is the article: https://steemit.com/sciencefiction/@digitalcosmos555/futurtopia-2-living-forever
This article goes very well with this one.

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Great article @digitalcosmos555 - I wish that I was 18 also! Following you and hoping for more content on this subject.

Yes, the virtual reality thing could help. But immortality is a really long time and I doubt that VR would be sufficient for eternity!

I like your post. I think humans will be further divided when immortality becomes a reality, which is very soon. In fact, I just made a post on human immortality through science. Perhaps you or the readers here might find it interesting as well. Here is the link: https://steemit.com/life/@bba/eternal-life-vs-eternal-youth-if-you-have-to-choose-what-would-it-be

yeah, it will be available to the rich guys first. And I doubt that everyone will get their hands on it, thus, creating a divide.

As the founder of the Fountain Longevity Circle here on Steemit [ @flc ] I too want to live for a long, long, long time. I am 45 years old myself. I think that it's possible that we reach longevity escape velocity before I kick the bucket. But it is probable that it will happen for my children... IF we make it happen. Thanks for raising this issue here on Steemit, as I have found many good thinkers in the comments thread! #longevity

Immortality is something that I spend a lot of time thinking about and I really think that it is inevitable. Larry Page, for what I think of him does have some of his minions working on that very problem and the fact that they've been extra secretive about it makes me think there are some breakthroughs that we don't yet know about.

Immortality is hard to come by, but there are interesting things coming up soon that will largely help get longer lives. Take personalized cancer treatments for example. Think how nice that would be! Not knowing if a treatment will work or not is bad enough as it is but I am glad people are researching solutions.

Hmm, I haven't read about that yet. Will need to check that one out. But yes, a lot of work is being done on this right now. It might be years from now, but I suspect we will be able to crack the code of life.

Brave of you to engage in such a multi-dimensional question like that. I believe that we are in the perfect spot right now. Being able to live a long life if lucky and giving years to the unlucky ones in order to prepare themselves and their loved ones for their death. In the end it all depends in the state humans will be when they are north of one hundred years old. Their phychological needs and their ability to meet them. I highly doubt long life will ever be a priviledge to the majority of people to tell the truth.

The 100 year mark sure sounds totally enough for a life. But that's just me. People always want more. Yeah, I think that in the beginning it will only be available to a handful of people.

This comment has received a 0.08 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @theokritos.

According to the myth of Atlantis, the wisest people there found a way to live as long as they wanted. Most choosing to end it after 1000 years if I remember correctly.

Now, we know that this is a biological possibility regards to telomerase. In animal models they have already expanded life (health) span in animals by 11 times. In a human, this meens 800 years long life.

In the bible you can also read about some people living to I think more than 900 years.

Could it be some truth to it? :)

In a second.... im currently trying to live to be 110 years old, hopefully by then we have machines that can trsnafer conciousness.... ill be living in a robot body in no time...still buying and using steem power

If you live until 2030 then there is a decent chance that you will be able to live forever. You should check out my article here if you want more information on why what I said is most likely true.

To each his own :) I wouldn't like to live in a machine. My mind may change if I see how awesome it would be ;)

Interesting read, this subject has always interested me. I can see benefits and draw backs to both sides. The human side wants to say yes, let me live forever, but then a bit of nihilism sets in saying what would it all be for then. I can still give meaning to things even if I were to live forever. I do think that a form of immortality is not that far off. With the rapid progression of our tech, we will soon be able to program out cells on a molecular level. This could prevent us from aging. I suggest everyone read some of what Ray Kurzweil has written, here is a link to his wiki.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Kurzweil

yeah, that programming of cells has already started. Our genetic modification tech is rapidly progressing.

Yes indeed. Here is a good article, kind of scary but i shouls make it to the 2030s.


The scariest part is just how accurate Ray is in his predictions.

As a kid I was always thinking of what would've been my 3 wishes if i find a genie or catch the golden fish and Immortality was one of the things that was on the list usually. Now that I think of it as an adult it might be a but selfish but i would probably still wish for something at least close.. maybe just a lot longer live not infinite because there is so much to learn and to be done that the human life simply isn't enough to experience it all. Good post.. makes you think about it a bit more. :)

That's a nice way to put it! Thanks for reading :)

Reproduction is like a quest for immortality. We strive to "go on" somehow. If we all became immortal, there would not be any need to reproduce anymore. That takes care the "where to fit" issue :D
As of boredom, you are right. Life as we know it would lose its meaning. Perhaps it would gain a new one. Not reproducing would probably mean not evolving biologically, apart from artificial means. We would still have the same instincts that remain with us until now, no matter how many years would have passed. That could only change when we slowly turned into robots, replacing our brain neurons with artificial ones or uploading our conscience onto a computer. Would we still be considered immortal? Our human nature would have died.
There is no such thing as immortal :)

I have thought about it too and I always come to the same conclusions that if we ever become immortal, we would stop reproducing altogether. There just wouldn't be a need from a biological view point.

I absolutely love that last part!! :D

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Thanks!! I joined the discord.

Only if I'm very rich that I don't have to worry about expenditure and my health is good and I don't have to worry only any illness. Otherwise, a long life is too tiring to support mentally in the long term.

Trust me, if we reach a stage where we can be immortals, we will have solved the health issues as well :D

I agree with your logic but then that probably comes with another problem of foof supply or over population.

yeah that's true! :D Maybe we solve those problems too, somehow. Overpopulation can be solved by colonising another planets.

I would love to be immortal. Death scares the shit out of me.

I think it scares everyone and that serves as a drive to do make the most out of our limited time.

Yes indeed, But just thinking about being forgotten and how meaningless our lives really are... It's hard to process you know, very hard.

I believe that our mortality is what makes us evolve and being immortal will just be our real dead as beings. But who knows, maybe I'm wrong. Fortunately, I won't find out

Yeah, like with most other things, only time can tell.

Legend has it there's a an alien civilization made of of Yoda-like beings that have mastered immortality however they give up their bodies after 2000 years. Would we be able to do that? Also, even if you were immortal, statistics show that you would only live to about 800 before you died in an accident.

I think if we reach immortality, it will be by non-biological means. And if that is how we get there, I think we will have the option to end our lives like switching off our laptops.

The wish to be immortal will be paid with a long death

Long death? Isn't death like a one time phenomenon?

well yes, but the process of dying is already 20years for many old people

Interesting read, many religions believe we will be immortal in the next life. That is my belief, but I'm not sure I would want to be immortal in this present life with all of the sorrow and suffering

If we look at statistics things are actually becoming better. Suffering is actually going down and things overall all are improving when compared to our past. So I think once immortality becomes common our world will be even better then it is now.
A good article on Steemit that I found here has really good sources/statistics to back up what I said. I recommend that you check it out.

Yup, we already work so hard to live out the life we have. Imagine this being for eternity!

Sure every one want it, but how?

I recommend you check out this article here of mine. It talks the multiple ways we will be able to become immortal relatively soon whether its through biological means or non-biological means
Here is the article: https://steemit.com/sciencefiction/@digitalcosmos555/futurtopia-2-living-forever

Nano tech, bio engineering, or perhaps uploading out contentiousness to a machine. I also just read about a doctor that will be doing a whole human head transplant at the end of this year. As long as the brain works, you are still you.

Lots of ways I have mentioned in the post.

From John chapter 3:

Nicodemus answered him,

“How can these things be?”

Jesus answered him,

“Are you the teacher of Israel, and don’t understand these things? Most certainly I tell you, we speak that which we know, and testify of that which we have seen, and you don’t receive our witness. If I told you earthly things and you don’t believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things? No one has ascended into heaven but he who descended out of heaven, the Son of Man, who is in heaven. As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God didn’t send his Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through him. He who believes in him is not judged. He who doesn’t believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the one and only Son of God. This is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light; for their works were evil. For everyone who does evil hates the light, and doesn’t come to the light, lest his works would be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his works may be revealed, that they have been done in God.”

Maybe, we all are dreaming and when we die we wake up and start our day of the life where there is no death.

That's what happened in the Matrix movies too right? :D

"To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure." -Dumbledore

Dumbledore sure had the wisest things to say! :)

Therefore we should prepare ourselves to face death. Because death is the secret of god, nobody can know when someone will die but god itself .. if the death of sesanndainya we can ketahi when the occurrence of death is undoubtedly all human will die in good condition and hell will not have function because All humans will go to heaven .. a very good article .. thank you for sharing it :)


why human lives is precious is because our time on this planet is limited. If we have infinite time then our time has no value. It's pretty much like saying we have unlimited money. What's the point of having unlimited money when there's a limited to what you can buy.

My thoughts precisely :)

If everyone becomes immortal and the next generation of people are again immortal, where will we even all fit?

  • One ticket to Mars please :P

The market would solve it in a just way. :)

haha That's one way to do it for sure!!

Saurav, I wouldn't wanna personally do that because one persons life has meaning and then your time is up , one must go , yes science can help curse any diseases you might have to make you live longer but what's the point of living longer when there is a better life after .

Why do people have operations? Their "time was up" but they chose to live 10, 20, 30, or 40 years longer. :)

Yeah, I think that such a life would be meaningless.

A nice post, good thinking....

I don't think I'd want to be immortal without a way of really ending it if I ever get bored or tired.
Furthermore without any other immortals it would be more of a curse aswell...

I mean... everytime you get to know people and start to get attached you will watch how they'll be slowly aging and decaying untill they finally die. I'd only get bitter after a while because there'd be nobody with me that wouldn't eventually cease to exist.

Other then that idk.. I guess I wouldn't mind having at least twice as much time on earth or maybe staying young and healthy until I reach my 100th and just die quickly and without pain shortly after.

Yup, an immortal life would be meaningless. But in the post I was talking about all of us being immortal and not just one person.

Even then immortality must get boring someday.
I could imagine living much longer than it's possible now if it means that you're staying physically healthy/young aswell... but I wouldn't wanna live forever.

Good post!
I dont want to be immortal, but I want to live 200-300 years abd I want to know date of my death.

Thanks! :) Everyone has their own number. Mine would be 100.

No....i do not want to be immortal. Mans in-humanity to man is on clear display everyday and gets worse as governments have shown. They will have their day to answer.

If we look at statistics things are actually becoming better. Suffering is actually going down and things overall all are improving when compared to our past. So I think once immortality becomes common our world will be even better then it is now.
A good article on Steemit that I found here has really good sources/statistics to back up what I said. I recommend that you check it out.

To each their own....those that wish this is their choice. You asked a simple question :-)

Me neither!! :)

I like the ethical aspect of the question. Clearly not "everyone" can be immortal, the planet can only hold so much mass. That said, let's assume we can provide "immortality", who would get to use it? Pay to play? Hell of an incentive to make money . . .

I am really sure if it is ever cracked, immortality would immediately become a trillion dollar industry or something!! haha

having to see all your friends and family pass before you kinda suck. however i think the sweet range to live would be between 150-250 yrs old.

Yeah that would such. Not if they are immortals too. But yeah, the number should be higher than what it is today. I would say a world average of 100 will happen sooner rather than later.

Not really, living for longer than we live today, yes....but immortal, no. I think it gets boring at some point. How many new people can you meet? How many new experiences? Spending an eternity on Steemit? :)

Well I think virtual reality could very easily solve that problem. It will allow us to be able to experience any thing you can imagine especially as it becomes more advanced.

I have similar thoughts about it as well :)

Immortal me would just play video games all day.
Save that one for the AI.

haha, now THAT sounds like fun :D

Your post is very nice! Thanks for sharing...

Thank you for reading :)

Personally, I've always been averse to the concept of immortality. It has its pros and cons. But I feel that death is something that gives life meaning. Sometimes death acts as an incentive. Isn't that what a bucket list is all about? If there is no death, there might not be any motivation to achieve anything. You are born. You are immortal... now what?

That's exactly what I think in regards to this topic as well. Not worth living a meaningless life.

I don't want be immortal. I just don't want to die.

Aren't the two the same?

On the one hand, the change of generations is conceived by nature, so the real immortality can not be achieved, I think. But here to extend the period of life - for sure. After all, before they died in 40 - 50 years, and this was considered a deep stature.

I think it's quite realistic to extend life to 200 years.

We are always extending life. It is happening as we speak and will probably reach a stage when living till 150 will be the new normal. Who knows!

Sir r u India ...I need ur help j m new here on steemit ...can I get ur email id?

Yeah, I am from India. You can reach me on Steemit.chat

Immortality: Fun concept but not compatible w/ our biology. You may live forever but could never be who you were, your consciousness would still break down and in the end would any of it be worth it? If change happens inevitably, you may as well leave it to biology to give the progeny of your species a better chance than you had possible and to do that there must be death.

I think if we go with the machine route, we would be just end up being empty shells.

Death is something that has or will come to every living thing. It's just the way the nature is meant to be, whenever humans interact with nature the natural cycle is disrupted. Although I would think immortality would be super cool I also believe death has a reason. We were not made to live forever, we can only become immortal by our legacy. Also living forever would increase the amount of drive people has to evolve and progress in life.

I like Nature's way too! But we have come a long way in our capabilities of manipulating nature's ways.

I think nothing would ever get done. Because you would always have the time to do it 'later'. Because of this, progress would all of a sudden stop, humanity would lose it's drive to do anything. Mortality is what makes us move!

Yeah, procrastination would sure take over!! :D

Interesting topic, I think it would be really sad to see those we love die around us .after such time i imagine it would feel like we are being left behind. And what about those we love that have gone before us, does that mean the chance of seeing them again is very grim? Hard one!

I meant immortality for all of us and not just one.

I do and I don't at the same time. The idea of having all the the time in the world is fascinating, but I think that the inevitable result of this will be social and creative stagnation. What would be our drive to continue creating and developing ourselves if life never ends? Thanks for writing and sharing this :)

Yeah, I know right. We just wouldn't be motivated to do anything!

Interesting article. I think mortality gives life a meaning.
I think being immortal would mean a lot more ignorance and less gratitude towards things and life in general. I would enjoy a longer life spam though. More time to learn and experience things.

Perfectly put! :)

yeah, there was a study recently that said that we humans have a maximum limit of 115 years. Studies like the one you share refute that claim.

This is a subject that has always interested me and I have done a bit of research on it. Longevity and at least approaching immortality has much to do with human telomeres. As far as would I want to be immortal? Yes, but only if I could have a few people I loved to be immortal with me and if I could serve a great purpose.

The telomeres technique is one of the biological means of doing it. There are many non-biological ways of achieving immortality too.

This is true @sauravrungta. Great post! The genetic engineering is particularly interesting but really scary. But it is true that it is likely a reality this is what will be done. Just like other GMOs.

Nice post and subject for discussion @sauravrungta. I think like you say, the question is, is it moral? Would we really want to take take up space that the next generation so desperately needs?

And think about it, if you have privileged life, by the end of it you have either seen and done most things that you wanted.

If you have a life full of struggles and misery... why the hell would you want to extend that?

I would say no to eternal life. Just do the best with the life you are given and be done with it.

Beautifully put. Make the best of what you have right? :)

Evolution always needs sacrifice,..... A tree has to shed its all leaves in order to bear the new ones,.....

So, if we gain immortality, what would be the sacrifice?

This mortality itself is the sacrifice for human survival,.....

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