Wednesday - nothing else

in #life3 years ago

September 15th 2021

Wednesday Posting

Yep it is Wednesday, just another day in the week, on the block chain with not much to say or do today. I was going to ramble on and on about wet Wednesday and wet t-shirts, but that seems to be such a boring topic. I guess I am past that age.

Then I thought I would ramble a bit on how it was the workweek humpday. how at lunch you are spouting off to friends how nice it is to be the downward slide of the work week and to how it was time to begin thinking about the weekend. That is also in the "past that age" for me, I'm retired so it means nothing to me.

I could think about a Wednesday matinee, but those were only available in the summer and well I am very very much past that age.

On yesterday's post I mentioned twofer Tuesday, I did find two new movies on Amazon Prime that were somewhat interesting to me. I like Zombie movies and post apocalyptic type movies. The first one I watched was "Dead" a zombie movie set in Africa. It was not to bad a movie at all. The other one also a zombish type movie was "RedCon-1", a post apocalyptic vaccine made zombie movie. Pretty different movies but enjoyable to me none the less.

It is getting pretty ahrd for me to find movies that I can watch, I start a lot of new movies, only to end them about 10 or 15 minutes in. I made it all the way through those two mentioned above.

Well what else can I type about on Wednesday, not much right now, ramble post are kind of fun, but my mind is getting numb, and my body says it is time to get up, so end of post.

No time to find a nice picture to use so my link-back picture will need to do.