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RE: Back in Canada

in #life7 years ago (edited)
  • Wow, very nice story i came across in steemit today, so just got stopped by @onceuponatime sir, even your id name is very fascinating. I like the fact that u love travelling.

  • Further i can say the pics uploaded by you are superb. Hope you have had an enjoyable journey.

  • The nice part of this post for me is "I like to suffer in comfort! ......its really fantastic punch line.

  • And in the very beginning you mentioned the first ever rate hike Bank of Canada and yes that happen after a long 7 years, now every central bank are coming to fold of a rate hike, so the market is going to be very interesting in near future.

  • Keep steemiting & Have a Great Day...

    Sounds like you read my post! :-)

    Thank you.

    Yes sir....thanks a lot