Staring at the horizon

in #life5 years ago

Yesterday, during our usual walking, my attention was focused on the beautiful view in front of me: the horizon. Mountains, clouds and their shades of colors while the sun was going down.

That "show" makes me think about my own "horizon", what I want to achieve, what I want to be in the future, the dreams that I want to come true. I thought about the dreams I had when I was a young girl and how much different they were from what I'd like today. Time changes us and changes our dreams too, I think. 

Wen I was young I wanted to be 

1) an astronaut (yes, I was a child ^_^), 

2) a career woman (I was a 25 years old woman).

For the first one I couldn't do so much because I became a mom while I was studying at the High School, but for the second one I did a lot and I achieved it, before to understand that dreams could be also a sort of nightmare for me and for my health ^_^

I think I had those big dreams because I felt the need to prove I could be something different from a factory worker like my dad. I thought people could have more respect of me if I was something different, I thought to be a career woman could make me a better person, but I was in wrong. To be a good person or a bad person is not related to a kind of job, but just to what we do in life.

Now I'm older and I know that it isn't a different  job that make us good or bad people and I have different dreams, less materials. I'd like to be happy with my family as I am now. Just it.

See ya later



silvia beneforti

We should all do what we love and never do what we think others want! A job doesn't define us, a good job in other people's eyes doesn't makes us better or worse! And I think you would have been a great Astronaut xD

Tolle Bilder aber noch besser ist der Text den du dazu geschrieben hast.

Sorry, I don't understand.

I found your pictures very good but what you wrote I found even better

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