For the lovers of Classical Music

in #life6 years ago

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Hello Steemians and classical music lovers,

This post is dedicated to the wonderful style of music that is classical music. Composers such as Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Vivaldi, etc. have been immortalized in our civilization's musical history for a good reason; their masterpieces are being listened to and enjoyed by millions around the world.

Beyond the pleasure that classical music brings to its listeners, it also has numerous health benefits, both on the physical and mental state of health. It has to do with the frequencies generated by the instruments used (ie. violin, cello, piano, etc) and the structure of the melodies.

Even more interestingly, beside having a great effect on a person's mood, mental focus and stress level, classical music is even used in treating patients dealing with medical conditions such as Alzheimer and dementia. Information Source

Personally, I love to listen to Mozart and Vivaldi the most since I enjoy the sound of the violin and other string instruments. I try to listen to a few hours of classical music daily, whenever doing work on the computer, cooking, or even when doing chores. This kind of music is great for getting you into a good mood. Give it a try!

For those interested, here is a list of great youtube links with classical music soundtracks.


Several composers:






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I love classical music and I have studied how to sing opera for some years :)
This is a video of me few years ago, when I was still learning, maybe it could be interesting for you to watch :)

That was beautiful! I love Bizet's Carmen. Plus it is sung in the beautiful French language. Do you perform often?

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Amazing,,, I Love You Full Music

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Oh i love classic music, it inspires me and it makes me a better artist i think.
When i was younger i kinda did not knew the importance of this type of music and it looked slow and bring, but as i grew older i saw that is is a music for your soul. I could say that it made me look deeper into things, not only music wise, but just in genera;

Nice collection of music.
I prefer this than most of the trending themes.


I like classical music, thanks alot.

Classical Songs are really beauty.. ❤️ today's song doesn't have that Fellings.. Classical songs will remain forever and bear true love feeling or other

you are right. there is always a place for beautiful songs of the past .. I do not guarantee whether the song of today can survive like a song of the past .. nice post

They have lasted the test of time for a reason. They are masterpieces.

Classical musician like Beethoven, Mozart are born once in century we will not have replica in the centuries to come

Classical music is an integral part of our lives, accompanying us from infancy, because scientists have proven that classical music like no other has the most beneficial effect on the developing brain of children. Even in the television and radio commercials heard by us, classical music is often heard, without which the image represented would not be perceived by us with such a deep content. At modern conferences, presentations, it is considered to be a good tone to listen to classical music, which indicates an increase in the popularity of classics.

I love Chopin

The musics are really very relaxing... Thanks.

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Excellent post, I am also a lover of this music since I also play it and direct it, truly the classical music transports you and helps you to understand and understand what that composer wanted to capture and show to the audience of that time and even in the present. It is interesting to interpret composers such as Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Brahms among others who generate ample tranquility for humanity and interpretative learning in each of their works.

Very true! They are always a pleasure to listen to. One of the best ways to enjoy their music is to attend chamber music concerts in person in my opinion. You truly get to experience it when played by talented musicians.

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I enjoyed hearing it a lot

I have always loved classical music! My forefather Roman J. Sutter was a composer of classical works. Roman was able to create over 80 Opis's in his lifetime. Mozart is famous and usually appears in a red jacket mirroring the one worn by family members in family paintings from the middle ages. I began to listen to classical music upon learning that it enhances brainwave functioning. I never would have suspected music had the ability to do that before learning of studies based on the topic. The Brain Power post is one that I've listened to in the past. I enjoy your selection in content and hope to see some posts about Rachmaninoff in the future! Rachmaninoff is one of my favorite composers! Thanks so much for sharing!

Id listen to more classical music, but it seems silly doing so seeing I am poor. Its not like I am going to rummage through garbage containers looking for cans listing to Mozart.

Old is gold. Old song is really nice.

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Classical music is....classical

Verygood i loves of classical music.. thanks story

Great collection

Greatfull your post

Good posts ur post is fantastic

Good posts ur post is fantastic

Up vote me buddy thanks in advance

How much knowledge these people had about the music. How much dedication and love.
They were philosophers expressing their ideas and ideology through the sound. People from the past were smarter than people of today. Audience the music is made for is on the another level.

I'm into classical music for 10 years ;) My first love was piano, nice to hear songs like these

Congratulations on receiving over $300 on a post this message is to confirm you're awesome and so is everyone else!

I wasnt aware that classical music was used to treat Alzheimer's and dementia patients. I may have to try playing some of the greats for my mom. I suffer from anxiety and when I hear an instrument played my personal favorite is the violin I automatically get calm. Thank you for sharing.

It's like the most incredible chill-out music ever, thinking without having to think: esp. when the clarinet starts kicking in: Mozart Clarinet Concerto !

Classical music is such a treasure. Unfortunately, the numbers of those who appreciate it are probably in decline. The immense hatred for all things historical and European only continues to grow. Let us hope the music itself SPEAKS LOUDER and outlasts the hate.

I am a classical pianist, myself, and have always enjoyed all kinds of music (except "rap," modern classical, and other forms of obvious noise that are no akin to real music.) Real music has mathematical precision that resonates with the rational mind.

I have started to listen to classical music these days. Makes me think better.

Thanks you for the post.

I consider this a great gift🎁 I too am a lover of classical music.

They give a relaxing feel

Mozart🎵🎼🎶 is my favorite.

thanks again

Bach is my favorite Composer, every moorning put his music on Music of heaven, of the heights.

I love your post I congratulate you, there is nothing better than classical music. She is life, she is soul and heart ... The violin is my favorite instrument and I am the performer of the ... Wonderful post. I congratulate you. I follow you and I invite you to visit my profile ... Thank you.

Ahhhh! Thank you for sharing the benefits of classical music!

I've been a work-from-home author/writer/novelist for many years. I always have classical music playing in the background on my computer as I write.

I authored a cute sweet teen romance novel a few years ago about a teen girl who is a classical musician who wins a weekend date with a rock star. (About whom she knows little or nothing.) Yeah. They clash! Fun plot. Teen readers like it!

Rockin into Romance flat-smaller.jpg

Thank you for sharing about your book @norma-jean. Is it available as an e-book on

Yes it is Thanks for asking. There are 6 titles in what I call the Norma Jean Lutz Classic Collection. All in print and digital on Amazon. :^)

Great and sweet.

wow I love music and instrument thanks for sharing..

Great post, next time you should try with some Shostakovick!

classical music and the best. Not like now where everything is denigration, weapons, drugs.
And those who actually sing songs that are worth aoir are not as well known as those who sing stupid

Food for the it

So true! Imagine what terrible music (noise labeled as music) does to a person

UpVoted!! .. Great Work. We are also utilizing blockchain to help the homeless and mental health. Its amazing what we all can do now to help the world.

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