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RE: Is The World Becoming More Violent?

in #life7 years ago

I agree with everything you said, but (for the sake of discussion) I'll also put forth the idea the world (in some respects) isn't violent enough. It seems at any other time in history the commoners would have risen up well before the gap in wealth widen to the point it has currently achieved.

Government is corrupt to the core, to such an extent that anyone who's even remotely paying attention can clearly see our democratic republic has become an oligarchy. In times past society would've already "eaten the rich" and been well on the way to the next uprising.

Having said that,though, I'd also like to point out that I believe we've found a better way in the blockchain. I think we don't have to do things the old way, with violence, to reestablish order because we now have the tools to simply outgrow corrupt governments & bureaucracy and shape the world into a place where we can put our trust into each other without the need to empower those who have historically, arguably out of necessity (at the time), used the power we gave them against us to further their agendas at our expense.

Only a few years ago I would have argued the only solution to the current global plight of financial inequality and eroding liberties would be to take up arms and cut a bloody swathe through history to take back all that we've lost over the past century. Now I can clearly see how empowering knowledge can be, and is becoming, and there's no need to overthrow governments and the sinister forces driving them. We're already on our way to simply making them obsolete and eventually extinct. All we have to do is carry on into the inevitable future.


yes blockchain is a very interesting piece of technology
lets hope it can bring more equality in this world