fuck your platform... I'm angry

in #life3 years ago

and I don't know how to express that in a productive manner. so.... I'm taking a break from this shit hole that is online, those with the keys have em when needed to make sure my little investment pays off one day...

I wanted to believe that we could do better, that the internet and connecting people in ways unseen before was a good thing... I was wrong, we just got a bunch of Hitler ass Karens running around yelling about being censored and how they are entitled to anything they want, no regard to morals or values, just greed.

greed greed greed... selfish desires... disposable relationships... chasing dopamine hits..

this ship is going down if we don't learn to work together, instead of promoting chaos and hate and division.... especially with all you nitwits inviting those that have been de-platformed onto the platform we have... where its harder to shut them the fuck up.. STOP FUCKING ENABLING stupid hateful ideas... for fucks sake people...

speak up next time someone says some sideways shit that isn't in everyone's best interest.. speak up the next time someone does something that isn't beneficial to all parties involved... speak up next time you see someone acting out of selfishness... speak up next time you hear misinformation...

just speak up... this is me speaking out.

idk, I guess I'm just triggered and just DGAF right now... but everything I'm seeing about this platform and what the technology is supposed to do... isn't.

fuck the left, fuck the right, fuck the front and back... fuck it all.

I don't even entirely know where this hate is coming from... probably stupid fucks that keep inviting the trump supporters on the hive platform... sorry, not sorry, but don't want that shit here.... but if you all do, i'll just leave.



Kind of seems like you are the one getting overly upset that other people have a different view than you.



How did you invest without realizing a big part of the message is a free speech platform. You can disagree, avoid, block.. But insist that others can't come?

Ok Karen

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I feel it. Wasn't my finest moment. Was a bit fed up with those that incite violence and beyond, and seeing them openly invited to hive.


What just happened, guy?



man, sometimes it's ok to overdose on some Fuckitol

have a breathe, and come back when you feel like it

if things go nutty, we could see some thinkers to help provide the counterpoint

Justin Bieber is really hot in this video.

Trump supporters coming in..


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