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RE: Here's My Perspective On Pain & Suffering

in #life6 years ago

Hey my friend, I really appreciate what you've said here. I myself am a chronic pain sufferer. For nearly 20 years I have been dealing with the depression and anxiety that go along with being in pain day after day. So often it feels like I can't live a full life because of my pain and my anxiety. While I do still get frustrated by this, I no longer let it depress me. I've learned that I'm not productive if I let myself stay in that state of mind. I can't make progress if I'm allowing the depression to stay. When I sense it coming on I've got a build myself up like you've talked about. Be as positive as you can. Find positive things to do. One of the best things you can do, is to help others. (Like you're doing) Work with others that are struggling. Give them hope. In doing that, it pulls you out as well. By doing so, you're doing exactly what you were put on this Earth to do.

I also appreciate your courage and openness speaking about God. These days so many people are afraid to talk about God even if they fully believe in God. If it weren't for my belief in God I wouldn't be here today. I understand and respect that some people have not had experiences that have led them to God yet. I have no desire to argue with anyone here about the existence of God. I can testify that there is a God. I could never deny the impact that He has had in my life.


It's amazing that you have experienced who God is. There's much freedom in knowing Him. And know that he is with you through all your struggles and he understands more than anyone else does. I am thankful to use my gifts of encouragement and faith to help others be inspired. I am just a representative of Him and he is the one to get the credit.

I am noticing that as the world comes to an end it is getting more and more difficult to share you faith. Relative truth is at an all time high. But we live in power. Lets represent well my friend. I will be praying for you as well.