The Dangers Of Normalization And Minimization

in #life4 years ago


While society is busy working on establishing for itself a new fucked up normal, we’re ourselves too busy rushing through life at an aggressive pace to notice how we are contributing to the messed-up state of affairs of our world. What was once seen as scandalous is now collectively viewed as normal. Inanity is the new sanity.

Pill popping society, what’s the big deal? Parents withholding love from their children when they misbehave? Get over it. Dismissing the importance of feeling our emotions? Why does it matter anyway? Someone displaying narcissistic traits? Everyone is a narcissist nowadays anyway. What a chain of awful and deeply flawed claims. By normalizing the abnormal, we subsequently minimize the impact it has on us.

Too many of us grew up in environments that were by no means normal and healthy yet because of habituation, we’ve grown to downplay the effects it had on us.

“ It wasn’t that bad.”
“ Some people had it worse.”
“ It’s not like I died or anything.”

These sentences are immensely damaging on the ones using them. Pain is pain. Invalidating or minimizing the toxicity of our upbringing is not doing us any favor. It may bring us comfort in the short term to not choose to acknowledge the fact that our childhood wasn’t what we had convinced ourselves it was all along - but in the long term it will have profound consequences on our lives.

Our toxic culture unfortunately makes matters worse. Society’s agenda has never been oriented toward educating us on the importance of our emotional health. We never hear about how imperative it is to heal our wounds, about the utter importance of attachment focused parenting, only to name a few things. Since none of these things are publicly out there(unless you look for them), most people go through life thinking that what they are doing and the way they treat their own selves and others is normal.

We fail to realize that what society is selling to us is in no way normal. We consume so much harmful material on a daily basis, and it has a strong subconscious impact on our belief system. In the past few years, social media alone has normalized the hell out of cosmetic procedures. Slowly but surely, trends are turning into norms. The continuous exposure to sexual content makes us become more and more desensitized to it. But what we see through our screens is far from being the real deal. Fantasy isn’t reality.

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The best way to fuck up somebody you care about is to de legitimize their person pain.

I grew up in a horror house. When i told my mom of the abuse i was facing with my father, the bullying at school and the destruction of my mental well being when i was a young boy. Her response was to start singing "nobody likes me, im going yo go eat worms" that was her response to a hurting seven year old boy.

It fucked me up for 30 years before i was able to work through the shit. Now i see a deeply pathological world. Especially here in the usa.

The scary thing is since theyre pathological they dont know theyre pathological. Thats a big part of the problem or as you say normalizing insanity

That's where we need to take personal responsibility and try to not get sucked into all the stimuli they try to force down our throats, its by no means easy but if you want to hold on to your sanity its a daily struggle you need to take on. i fail at it but I do pick myself up and keep trying