Be Patient 💭

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit friends

Patience is a virtue, and a necessary virtue at that. In a world where instant gratification is king it is becoming harder to tolerate any sort of wait time.

So how do we retrain our brains? How do we allow ourselves to let go of the anxious feelings that overcome us as our patience runs thin? Just like anything else in life, it takes practice.



Start on a small scale. The moment you begin to feel frustrated take a step back. Recognize the feeling of impatience, and pinpoint the cause. Is it because you are running late and someone is holding you up? Perhaps you have repeated yourself over and over only to realize that no one was listening to you. Understanding what triggers this feeling is the first step to overcoming it. Now that you have realized the cause of your stress, see if there is anything you can do to change it. More than likely you will have little control over the situation. What you will always have control over, though, is yourself.


Cognitively override these emotions by recognizing that you can't change your circumstance. Realize that letting the feelings of impatience linger will not solve anything. Instead of dwelling on them, focus your attention to something pleasant. Do this by listing things you are grateful for. You may be stuck in traffic, but you have a car. The line at the grocery store is unfathomably long, but you have enough money for groceries. Tune out the annoyances and replace them with gratitude.

Try distracting yourself. It may seem like the oldest trick in the book, but it's the most popular trick for a reason. No matter what you are waiting for, your mother-in-law to go home, your tv show to come on, or an uber driver to arrive, you can find something else to focus your attention on. Do busywork. Write a shopping list, read a book, or scroll through social media. The repetitive action will calm you down. Try not to think about anything else other than the task you have given yourself. You'll find that your worries melt away when you allow yourself a break from the stressful reality of waiting.

If an individual is the reason you keep tapping your fingers then you may need to take a more heads-on approach to calming yourself. Before you say something you regret take a moment to center your thoughts, and breathe. Bite your tongue. Leave the room if you must. Once you are calm enough to see the situation in an unbiased manner your interaction will go much more smoothly. Do your best to see where the other person is coming from. It is possible that the frustration that you feel may be shared with the other party. Actively listen to what they are trying to communicate. Try seeing things from their point of view. They may need to take more time than you to process information or do a physical activity. Instead of blaming them for what they can not do, offer assistance to make the process go by quicker or easier. If the other person does not comprehend your side of things then take a different approach. A change in gear is a wonderful way to practice patience. Being actively involved will most likely resolve the issue that made you so distressed in the first place.



If all else fails, just breathe. Be in the moment, recognize that there is chaos around you. Know that you have the power to be still. Even laugh at the absurdity of it all! Remind yourself that the urgency that you feel does not always match the situation. Ignore the unpleasantries of your environment by letting your body relax. Release any tension you may be storing. Unclench your fists, let your shoulders drop, unlock your knees. Give your body what it needs during this time of stress. Do this as often as you can. If you practice the physical side of patience it will naturally lead to the mindfulness of patience,

Be easy on yourself. Many people go their entire lives without this skill, as this process takes time. Continue to practice it often, as it will ultimately benefit you for the rest of your life.




I hope you enjoy This post !!

Thank you for your comments and votes

Much love, Suzana



Well done ..
If patience is bitter, then punish him sweetly.
Thanks for sharing

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Great advice. Focus on the things you can change. Distractions which feel productive and exciting are the best kind of distractions. If nothing feels excitingly or productive, maybe it’d time to try out something new!

It's all about learning the best way and what works for each individually. i am just here to give some ideas but i realized that everyone has there own ways of handling life. Thank you for the comment and cheers. :)

The skill of being patient applies greatly to posting on steemit too. In the beginning, it may seem like your efforts are going in vain, but as you stay consistent in posting and be patient, people will soon start recognizing your talent and ultimately your patience will pay off.
You're doing a great job @suerisue reminding steemians about the same.
Steem on!

Awesome idea and yes very true !! we all have been there !! patient is key !!

i find changing my space helps massively. not treating myself and using it as a crutch to escape a problem but to REBOOT, then to approach it from a different angle this helps massively.

Thats a great way !! I need to do that more often myself ! Thank you for sharing !

Learning patience is truly something that can help make you happier, but its definitely something thats take time and practice.

Good article that really can help!

I DON HAFE MANI. image NAME dedie

kaifa anta image anak2 sedang laga ayam jago

You are right. I enjoy your post. we keep patience in every spares in our life.

Oh. What a lovely article. I was smiling while reading your article.
Allot of people today has lost patience, forgetting that great things does not happen immediately --- hence patience is required.

And it is true, we can't make things change for good by being anxious. Life requires patience from us.

Thanks for sharing @suerisue

Wonderful, pragmatic advise. Thank you very much. Please it coming.

Hello @suerisue. How are you today? Thank you for a very great post. Full of advice and motivation. Your sentences are composed of rap and you are a great writer.

May you succeed always. Ameen.

Thank you for your kind comment ! :)

Ur welcome @suerisue.

How are you today? Are you are very busy? I feel you have so long replied to my comments and greetings.

Good article:) I would add breathing and being in the moment at the top of the list

back to the basics !! Yes !!

Nicely written and on something very important. The so-called digital life has made us so impatient that if we just cannot handle delay, even in things that may not be so urgent.

I recently read Deep Work by Cal Newport and it helped me a lot in getting back the calm, deep and peaceful life that. I have written about it here How Deep Work has made my train journeys more peaceful and sane. And also my Life!

I recommend everyone to go through it at least once (i have read it 3 times) and I can swear on my life that you will thank me later for introducing you this book and Cal.

All this I read in it I have implemented good part of it and I can say that it had made my life better, peaceful and there is no more anxiety, stress and restlessness of the kind that existed earlier.

Make sure you buy and DEEP WORK BY CAL NEWPORT and his blog StudyHacks. Even if you go through his blog, you will get an idea of his work.

Thank you for your kind advise

I enjoyed this post. Not just because your writing is impeccable and carries hope buy more so because I am at this point in life where I have to see things from a different perspective and realize that 'patience' is key.

Thank you Suzana for this post. 🙌

Thank you so much for your thoughts !! really appreciate it !

I love how this is written. It's almost like a poem. 😊

please I need your help I just need upvote to move forward

oh if i had a dollar every time i should have been patient

@suerisue - Agree with what you have written here.. the one of the greatest fault of most of us who claim to work hard but not get results is that we simply don't persist long enough (or are just not patient enough in other words) and always want 'instant results'.... This is why we need to learn 'delayed gratification' ...

In fact, there was a book written by Julian Hosp (now famous as the co-founder of TenX) that I read 2 years ago and he had written at length about this using one of his life stories as an example - I had writtten about this in a blog too.. Do read it sometime, if time permits.