The Comeback

in #lifelast month

I have returned to PeakD after a four-year hibernation!


While we may not always be able to do huge things in this life, we can still do tiny things with a lot of love.

This is my favorite quotation because it perfectly captures how I view life. I'm glad that by joining the Hive Community, I will have much more opportunities to express myself like this. Being back feels nice.

Hi there! My name is Almie Jane, which indicates that I am a God-given flower that is destined to blossom. My family called me Joy-Joy, my nickname, because I'm chubby. It was Tabachoy before it changed to Choy, and then Joy (laughing) is the one I got in the end.

I was born and raised in Surigao City, attended Iloilo City for my bachelor's degree, obtained my professional license in Cebu City, worked at my first job in Lapu-Lapu City, and eventually met the love of my life in Baguio City. I work in Makati City right now. As a 27-year-old working woman, visiting other locations has been incredibly thrilling, and I am grateful for the experiences that have added so much color to my life story.

Despite staring at the sky, I perceived darkness. I was thinking that there would always be a need for sparks, no matter which corner I looked into. Just a tiny bit ahead? in reverse? lateral ward? How far can I look for lights in the distance? How long does it take someone to declare, "Life has finally happened to me!

I try to be skeptical of everything sometimes, so I once questioned myself, "Are all of these things make sense?"

Every one of us has a unique story to share. My life's ambitions are central to my narrative. I acknowledge that I have been incredibly tenacious in my quest to become the finest version of myself, all the way down to my very core. From my perspective, I want to approach things with grit and with love so that I might realize my life's ambition.

I did experience life's tragedies, disappointments, critiques, and other nonsense, which helped me to learn that "SHIT HAPPENS" in fact. To be honest, I'm still working on getting used to it. In my 27 years of life, I quickly came to terms with the fact that life is what we actually make of it.

Our shortcomings empower and separate us. Like a billion other individuals worldwide, I have had several setbacks in my life. I also apologize to myself for my actions and my failures to complete the tasks I set out to perform. I won't go into every detail, but in general, it's difficult to aim for the greatest shot.

I do face rough paths and an endless cycle of ups and downs, but I am confident that God will intervene to rescue the day. Admittedly, there was a time when I convinced myself that giving up would be simpler than continuing the effort. Still, the Lord is nagging at me to remain still and keep my attention fixed ahead. I've made an effort to turn away from that sorrowful path in order to acknowledge my weariness. However, I immediately understood that I would never be able to get off that road. The longer I sit there in that corner, the longer I will be able to look back on my greatest moments. I am aware that it might not look like I have given it my all just now. However, I am also certain that if I persevere and go above and beyond, every day brings me one step closer to development. I still have dreams inside of me. Maintaining the flame and an endless journey are in store. Whatever happens.

I continually tell myself that everything is happening in accordance with God's exquisite design. I only trust God, therefore even when issues arise and roadblocks appear, I will never be scared to overcome them all. Each person has unique challenges that may impede their life's journey, but they must learn to cope with them. And that all I need to do is put my confidence in Him, knowing that He will be at my side in any situation. I am appreciative of the life He has given me.

Job 1:21 states that He said, "I had nothing when I was born, and I shall have nothing when I die. The Lord provided, but he has since taken away. May glory be to his name!". I've come to my senses now and realized that this is the reality. I will not be able to take with me all of my possessions—jewelry, properties, medals, and money—when I pass away. Material or worldly possessions are therefore meaningless. The most important thing is how we ended up becoming. God's grace and His plan for our lives have shaped us into the people we are today. One day, I want to look back and declare, "I lived it right."

I chose to follow Him despite the fact that I am imperfect and that life is not flawless. He is aware of the truth and the path in my life. I wanted to cry and give up everything when I faced challenges so far. However, I am greatly motivated by Christ's promise of a bright future.

I discovered that this was not my final goal as I continued on my journey. Determination is essential for achieving positive life objectives. Both the heart and our aspirations in life require attention and hearing. Hard effort and dedication are essential ingredients for achieving our goals.

The things I've lost in my life's everyday struggles are no longer significant. because I've learned valuable life lessons that I will never forget. I've come to the realization that if I am overly preoccupied with getting there, I will miss all of the gorgeous scenery and flowers along the route.

I informed God of every choice I made. I've asked God if it's appropriate for me to speak or do this. Making God the focal point of my life has always been my goal. All I have ever trusted in is Christ's promises, even though I have no idea what the future holds.

I cling to these words He left for me, which are found in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you, plans not to harm you but to prosper you, to provide you a future and a hope." I shouldn't worry about what will happen tomorrow since tomorrow will take care of itself. Therefore, give your anxieties and cares to him since He is always considering you and keeping an eye on everything that disturbs you (Peter 5:7).

I make sure to be joyful in anything I wish to accomplish. As an adventurer, I am. I want to be amazed by the magnificence of the planet. I have to maintain my curiosity and never stop learning new things. I've grown bold enough to accept difficulties. to appreciate life and the beauty of the world our Father has made for us. Go above and above and make the globe your own when you travel. However, I need more than just happiness for myself. Making the people I care about happy is my biggest life accomplishment.

Oh, it makes my heart feel better to watch their smiles and joy. To satisfy God and exalt His name each and every day of my life is the most crucial thing of all. I'm not afraid to share my passion for God with the world. I'm attempting to embrace life and feel love, to live it to the fullest, to savor every moment, and to place significance on every tiny discussion I have with new people.

Time is something we must treasure. As far as I'm aware, no one has created a device that can take us back in time. Living every day as if it were my last has always been my philosophy. to completely embrace life and let every day to be a manifestation of my gratitude for it. I have to keep in touch, or get back in touch if I have to. I need the individuals I care about to feel that way. My loved ones must experience love. I make an effort not to hold back. In order to occasionally defend my presence, I also express my emotions. I am aware that I am not growing younger and that every moment lost is lost forever. There will always be a fresh day every day.

When it comes to romantic love, I've never given up. I've had faith in fate my entire life. No matter how many heartaches I had experienced, I made an effort to never let go of its enchantment. I have always given my heart permission to rejoice and experience it again. I'm appreciative of who I now have. The guy who God made only for me is undoubtedly the reason why the fantasies I once had are now coming true. And to me, he will embody the very essence of love.

I am a chemical engineer by choice and a writer by heart. I wanna keep writing and keep bleeding bottled feelings. This is what makes me ''Almie". I wanna let my mind free itself from everything and let it explore the world of words. To write, to bring life to it and to inspire the world. I have always believed that I am a writer but more than that, I am a God’s pen. I hope to write my story the right way.

Now, all the other things make sense. Clearly, I am living an ordinary life that is simply amazing.