the path less taken

in #life4 years ago

Scoreboard watchers.

Scoreboard watching, one of the best ways to certainly lose a game. In the middle of a game, staring at the scoreboard only distracts you from the task at hand. It's easy to get emotional about the score, (when it's up or down) however, the only sure way to raise the score is to keep playing the game. The game for Hive? Complete the toolset + market said tool kits to buidlers. Buidlers? Content creators, app makers, entertainment consumers, investors, your brother, or sister, everyone can buidl.

Momentum. One of the best ways to end the day better than you started it is to gain momentum each day. To gain momentum each day you need to push in the same direction every day. Momentum picks up due to consistency. Pick a direction, and push in that direction every day. It seems on paper to be an easy task, however, in practice, things are not quite so easy.

Most people fail in the middle of the journey. When the work needed currently outweighs the short-term payoff, the gut-check I call it. They pick a direction, push every day for a while, then quit when they don't get what they wanted in a timely manner. You can see this in lots of walks of life, most things within reason, esp physical health, which can be achieved with daily consistency by most people. However, with consistency comes laws of diminishing returns, you can only become so healthy, or so rich, at the top of said category comes a ton of daily consistency with little to even no rewards, just maintenance (staying the same is the payoff, red queen game.) This means you work based on will, not dopamine rewards.

So we know that path is long and requires daily consistency. If we take a step back from Hive and look at the path in which we started, even counting the steem testnet days. Every step or misstep we took as a community, all of that knowledge is the result of daily usage, daily caring, daily consistency. The great thing about a strong community, is on the days you feel you can't push, you have others there to help push for you and pick up the slack.

We have achieved a decentralized community without any premine or founders reward to steer governance. We have a fully operational and highly utilized DAO. We have a sidechain where we can create tokens and communities. The list is long and the knowledge is great.

We take this same perspective, instead of looking back on what has been accomplished, we can see from the path taken where we are likely heading if we were to keep pushing every day. We are in the driver's seat when it comes to a scaleable web3 experience. And the long drives can sometimes feel like you're not gaining any ground, but paths eventually lead somewhere, and it's impossible to stay in place if you stay in motion.

Great opportunities usually come wrapped in some kinda horrendous packaging. Its called balance, you see it everywhere in life. The same can be said about bad opportunities, except in reverse. For crypto, this could be seen as a gem with a low market cap, with the law market cap being the horrendous packaging. (this applies to all investing, aka buy low sell high.)

No matter what happens on the scoreboard, you keep building, you keep fighting and you keep playing the damn game. As long as your "whatever" has mindsets of never quit, you'll always be surprised even with your wildest expectations at how far a group of humans can really get with consistent momentum.

With all this said, the free market will tell you what's wrong with your product in its own way. Market cap is a very flawed metric because the mass hivemind invests in a very flawed way. It reminds me of poker when "GTO" became all the rage and everyone was using expensive computer software to calculate ranges to get GTO strategies to play vs their opponents. This is fine and well in a perfect poker game, but poker, like investing is far from perfect and your perfect GTO range goes out the window with JimBob6969 raises 72o from UTG and check-raises you all in with air. You can't prepare for chaos with a strategy, you can only be prepared by experiencing it yourself, no amount of writing formulas on paper can prepare you for hell. So next time you ask why Bitcoin, Hive, or any other legit project is sitting idle while coins like burger and pancake raise 100% in a day, think back to good ol JimBob6969 and his 72o and you'll start to understand what we are dealing with. JimBob6969 is not a winning poker player, and the same can be said about the overwhelming majority of investors.

Fast with little research. This is why scams thrive while great projects may sit patiently waiting to be discovered. Because scams appeal to the mass hivemind of your retail investors, quick easy money. Learning about Bitcoin or other cryptos with a great use case, well that's why Bitcoin wasn't really known globally until it surpassed 10k for the first time, then every uber driver became a crypto investor. It wasn't because they learned about Bitcoins tech, it's because they heard of Bitcoins price increase.

So the game is pretty much this, buidl a real strong product with a good use case. This is the basic step, as all scams eventually go down the drain, what is left are the products with a community heartbeat. Defi didnt blow up because of the amazing technology, you're average investor has no clue about any of the tech (sushi gaining 500mil 24 vol on unaudited code for example) - we used to have Warren Buffets aka value investors, now we have crackhead investors chasing the quickest buck. This is why market cap is flawed for long-term success, what is up now can certainly be down and vice verse. The true metric of investment is how many hodlers of last resort do you have. How many people will work on the protocol no matter what?

Bitcoin has plenty of hodlers of last resort, the same can said about ETH, but that's mostly due to the premine (founders would be the hodlers of last result there) - very very few projects have these types of investors and the ones that due have the highest chance to be around in 10 years. If a community lead project is around in 10 years and if you can't stay in place if you stay in motion, that means we will be much further from where we currently are, for better or worse.

I've always liked to process more than the outcome. I love the smell of cookies when it's baking, the process of enjoying the meal to come. Once the cookies are eaten and you become full, the process of wanting cookies is temporarily over. The current moment isn't quite as exciting as it was prior to the cookie ingestion. If you love the process you never loath the current moment because you know you won't be here long, you're in daily motion, learning, aware of the task at hand. Stay hungry my friends.


You're right about one thing Dan and that's the fact that people are attracted to prices, Hive is a gem but sadly the price which suppose to be the major instrument to shill it is presently on the low but then this doesn't take away the magnificent work hive is pulling. In my own flawed way I'm building because I believe in the fact that most metric about hive can be wrong and hopefully soon it'll be different.

Hype like anything has cycles. Foundations don't have cycles, they are always there to be built on. Build a strong foundation and it will be built on. The more you build and market what you build the more people come. It always starts at the ground floor.

And well, many are too impatient to start on ground zero, I know we've learnt our mistakes with #steem but it doesn't make it anymore easier. No one is responsible for calling the shots because it's a decentralised setting and consensus is mostly needed. This makes it an even slower process but then the fact that it's slow doesn't stop it. It's basically inevitable. Thanks for taking the time to write this. It's a morale booster honestly

When the chips are down, the community behind the project and the utility of their collective vision is the intrinsic value that underpins all blockchain projects. That's when the project survives all market cycles, highs and lows.

Community based projects have people as a lifeline and no way to self-destruct short of the everyone in the community giving up. Hype-based or marketing-based projects are dependent on hype and market conditions and when those swing, there's noone left to sacrifice and be a lifeline.

Each line of code we write
Each idea we share and discuss
Each post we make
Each person we tell
It all adds up to the incremental value.

If we stay focused on the principles and not compromise, and keep innovating, it'll be a matter of time before the momentum sucks in the fence-sitters and skeptics, just like how Bitcoin is doing now sucking in former skeptics to buy millions and announce it to the world.

Definitely, what is high now can be low tomorrow. The process is what is important and we need more hodlers to last resort.

When someone is focused on quick earnings, he will give up sooner than he started. The people who enjoys their earnings are those who began the journey when it was nothing, the last resort hodlers. I believe things will get better for me and every other hive owners who are in for the long term journey as consistency will get us there.

No matter what happens on the scoreboard, you keep building, you keep fighting and you keep playing the damn game.

HIVE is a long term game

Yeah it is Nathan! 🙌

I agree! So keep fighting

i see a nice walk in which we avoid stepping in cow dung.

keeping centered takes personal effort, no avoiding it.

Beautifully said. I just posted something along the same lines, just a bit more primative. I agree 100%. We need to always keep our eye on the real goal and it's truly in our power to make it happen. Wonderful to see this.

HIVE has plenty of hodlers of last resort too!

You give great words of inspiration but not words of actual development and strategy. This is why I find crypto/blockchain fun but not serious yet. So many projects propose amazing potential, but then when they don't deliver they revert back to their users/community/investors requesting them to "BELIEVE!" and sometimes shame those that don't. This is a representation of Western society actually, it's a broken world but that's another matter.

My point is that business doesn't run like that. CEOs, Marketing, PR can push the "believe mantra" only so much. After a while share holders and the board simply replace them until they acquire players that can deliver results. That's why the corporate world is so dominant and is both celebrated and hated for the win-at-all-costs style of play.

While it's great to revert to feel-good quotes such as "well, Hive is no longer bogged down by" or "our community is the value" (which are both true) 6 months on those two qualities have lost their novelty.

What Hive needs now is to imagine it's future and then set forth a roadmap to achieve that. Start to form a solid branding around that and present it clearly and broadly. That's what will entice investors again and by achieving those milestones on the roadmap, you gain and retain confidence.

HIVE has great potential.
*SMT has ability to spread it like wildfire.

It's a negative to have development so fragmented and developers believing different things. Some say "SMTs will happen after HF25" others say that they will never happen. Some believe basic H-E second layer is good enough while others are simply moving on from Hive.

There's also a bitter rivalry between Leo and Hive when you would think their success would be openly and unanimously celebrated by all. It really should exist as part of the brand of Hive and marketed as:

The system works. LeoFinance sees success. Hive is ready* and waiting for your creativity, projects and communities.

I know you you mean, but Hive is US, there is no CEO or company and I think the reason we stagnate is because only 1-2% of the users really realize what that means. So instead of waiting for people like Dan to do it all, we all gotta push to be a bigger deal than Dan, or support projects that could be as fundamental as 3speak.

In my opinion decentralized is good to rally around.. but when it comes to achieving results you put that in the hands of the most capapble. Which ultimately exists as a small group... of ELITES. The coders here are that collective. With anything really there's always a nucleus which governs, commands, determines.. etc..

Human = MIND over BODY
CELLS = nuclei (organelles) command function.
Solar System - SUN over PLANETS
Galaxies = Expression of matter around Black Hole.
BLACK HOLE = Event horizon determined by central singularity (unknown but slowly understood)

This pattern rules everything really.

There's much more too it but when you are too fragmented you are vulnerable to failure and total extinction. Closed system with a hierarchical structure dominate in business because we exists also ruled by cycles. Quarterly analysis on performance can then be realised easily and weak players, as I said, get replaced. No successful business continues to repeat something that isn't leading them to their goal.

It's already well realised in blockchain that the end result will be a mix of the two. You can't become mainstream when what you offer is.. "here's the code, you build it how you want.." because that is not then what the mainstream are accustomed to or ever will be. Enthusiasts will find that appealing but the rest just pass.


Also I don't mean to down play or even denounce community projects and initiatives. I see that you are very passionate and I fully believe that the users can bring value just as much as the core developers.

My point on nuclei strength is on fundamentals like SMTs.
Once that is built I do believe that projects can explode.

Things work more slowly in the decentralized, open source world. Just look at how long it took Linux to get to where it is today, for example, but it was worth it, wasn't it? Crypto is the same. It takes a lot more time and patience than the corporate world, but the product is ultimately infinitely better.

In crypto, the foundation is a real, vibrant community. Look at ADA and DGB for other examples to compare with their direct competition who are struggling due to lack of real community. Both have loyal, enthusiastic, organic, grass roots communities - like HIVE - and in the real world where success is dependent on being widely distributed and decentralized, I'd say that's a huge accomplishment to write home about ... even if it has taken years.

Well I (and many others) see Linux as a fragmented and also the reason why it's behind the other operating systems. That's the trade off really. You provide many options.. and only attract enthusiasts. Keep it locked and under a tight format and you attract the masses which consume it and don't care to know the system.

That's where crypto/blockchain is really.

I agree that the right base is here in blockchian and then agree that the struggle is real. That's why essentially the issues isn't the on-boarding, it's actually producing that which those whitepapers and teams promised. Too many were trying to get to the green in one hit when the trees weren't cleared yet.

2026 - I prophecize greatness for blockchain.

Maybe sooner?? but the world doesn't look like it's in a state of progress currently. It might be that nation states get into a tussle for digital supremacy soon and we go through a type of "digital darkages." Then when we emerge out of it these new decentralised systems likely winners.. as you've made point about before.

Damn right! I’m working my ass off to pull together the Hive Cross Culture community as a way to strengthen the local communities and build cooperation between them.

Now I have an idea for how to mobilize it to get a shit ton of new users and keep them. I’m going to post the idea in a few days, hope you take notice, as it aims to help 3speak as much as Hive.

Hope to be as much as a force at Hive as you. When we have a few more people stepping up, something will crack so I’m doing my part and then some

Glad to see you post again, I thought you were away

Yes. If you only watch price it can seem that the game is won on being right instead of wrong... But there is another way to be right outside the speculation of price and you framed that nicely. Hive is a project and the more we work on it the more right we will be. Thank you for the reminder. I guess that it’s time to get back to work!

Hey man, I know you got banned off Twitter and I've been really busy working on helping the team build the NFT markets for HIVE so I haven't been keeping up with the blogging stuff at all. I just caught up on your last few posts and I just want to send you some positive vibes for the struggles you've been dealing with.

I also agree that it's really the time to just keep our heads down and keep building. I don't worry about the price, price only really matters if your selling in my opinion. I do tend to buy when I hear people fudding and notice a price drop though, but it is what it is. I'm here for the long haul.

Hope things start looking up dude and best wishes to you and your family. Hang in there, 2020 can't last forever and I like to think that this really terrible year is just adding contrast so that what comes next will feel even more amazing.

Visit my blog

Hive must keep going ...

So, keep building and keep fighting! Thanks @fedesox for reblogging this post!

scams are everywhere these days so one should do its own analysis and only support legit projects

Y así es como nosotros mismos dañamos el mercado, personas inespertas queriendo ser millonarias de la noche a la mañana sin tener ningun tipo de fe a que las cosas vayan poco a poco agarrando más fuerza.

Cada vez que leo un post así, la mente se me abre y veo que es lo que estoy haciendo mal, gracias dan por tu ayuda.

We used to have Warren Buffets aka value investors, now we have crackhead investors chasing the quickest buck.

LOL I had to laugh about that, but I still think we have value investors, it's just that they are in the minority.

( It's always been the minority )

During this next phase of the Financial Crisis, it will be Value Investors who buy up the cheap assets and real estate foreclosures.

Unfortunately, the bulk of those value investors will be big-time bankers and Government insiders, possibly some of the corporations and hedge funds that recently received money from Government bailouts.

Having said that, we're still buidling on @dbuzz, it's been over ten months of constant work and development.

We had to rebuild the Dapp from scratch twice through different devs each time but finally seem to be on track.

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The Buzz-to-Twitter is now finally being worked on, now that we have a good version up .. just need to get #HF24 out of the way 1st!

~ @chrisrice

Every step forward is important. That's why we need to all be pushing in the same direction and work towards what is best for #hive.

We need to turn up every day and keep building. We need to plan long term and not follow pump and dump cycles. Build on long term plans and keep adding value to the chain.

That is what I am trying to achieve with this proposal and push for a better business strategy for hive.