Not very happy Birthday

in #life2 years ago

Hi, my dear friends!

This year my birthday is not very fun. Not only is there a war all around, and three days ago Russia again committed several terrorist acts in our peaceful cities, I also got sick!

My friends and I plann ed to have at least a small celebration, perhaps with cheese and a couple of beers. But instead I have to stay in bed, my head is splitting, I'm sneezing and coughing all the time.


My dogs and kitten MooreMeow go out of their way to treat me. For some reason, they think that if they all climb on my bed, or even better - on my pillow, it will help me.

I hate getting sick, I'm too active to be in bed all day! Now is the last warm period before the cold and my garden needs my attention! Yesterday I went out despite not feeling too well and cleaned up part of the garden. It was a mistake. At night I felt much worse.


However, I don't exfoliate and I'm sure therapy for my dogs and cats will help me.



Sorry to hear you got sick on your birthday :( Let me at least send you the best wishes & hugs for you and your lovely animal family! Happy Birthday my friend! Glory to Ukraine!

@tipu curate

Happy birthday, hope you will have a peaceful birthday incoming years.

Happy birthday. I hope you feel better soon soon.

Hope your feeling better soon 🙂

Happy Born Day so sorry that you were ill, glad your pets were there to try and lift your spirit. Wishing you a quick recovery, and stay safe.

Happy Birthday! I hope you feel better soon.

Happy Birthday! I hope you feel better soon. And I hope next year's birthday brings a much better situation than what's happening now.

Happy belated Birthday!
Hope you are feeling better by now.