Sunday review 12/02/2023

in #lifelast year


Hi my dear friends!

This week at our little animal shelter was full of events, both happy and sad. One of our dogs cut his paw and it remains unclear where and how she did it. We took her to the vet for treatment and thankfully he is recovering well. The rest of the animals and birds we house are all in good health, for which I am grateful, especially since this month has been extra costly in terms of food expenses.


I have to admit that I have been very tired lately due to the behavior of my dogs. They are probably quite bored because I had to close part of the yard for them. The fact is that a reed fence was torn there, which blocked the view, and now they see the neighbor's dogs. Naturally, this ends with loud barking from both sides. I have to think about how to fix this, but everything again comes down to finances. This is indeed a perennial problem. The rate at which prices are rising is much faster than the growth of my income.


Despite the fact that almost nothing happens, yet the situation is still quite tense. Russia is constantly shelling us, but we are used to it. The economic situation in our country is still very unstable. Inflation and deflation, constant changes in the economic system, rising unemployment - these are just a number of problems that we are facing right now. Sometimes I feel a mood of panic at the thought of the future. But we, who are in such a situation, need to try to hold on and think about how to change the situation for the better. Therefore, we must continue to look for ways out, and eventually we will be able to overcome this difficult period.


I am also looking forward to the arrival of two new ruddy ducks. I have already prepared a place for them to be comfortable and I will try to keep them separate from the other birds. I know that ruddy ducks can be quite unfriendly, so I will keep an eye on them.


My own health has been subpar lately – I am not feeling very well and my blood pressure has been high. But I am determined to push through and I am pleased that I have been able to finish the project I was working on. I am now ready to start a new one. My flowers try to support me with their blooming.


The weather remains cold, but we are all hoping that warmer days will soon be upon us. I was particularly happy to receive a visit from my son-in-law and daughter, who brought with them various gifts. My daughter's handmade ceramics were especially impressive!


I have also been working on a new project to create portraits of my beloved animals and birds using artificial intelligence. It has been a great way to capture their unique personalities in a special way.


I will also be grateful to you if you subscribe to my shelter's YouTube channel and like my videos, it will help my animals

