3 Things You Experience as a Netflix User

in #life6 years ago


1. You spend the entire time searching, never actually watching anything.

We're all guilty. Netflix offers thousands of choices. We are overstimulated and developing TV/movie ADD because there's just SO much. Sometimes I wish there was a "play something random" button for the times I want to watch something, but don't know what! 


2. You choose something that is listed as "popular" and are scarred for life.

We did this this week. We watched the pilot of one of Netflix's top 50 shows and were very perplexed. I was left wondering why the show is so popular, and I will never be able to forget the bizarre content. 


3. You binge watch an awesome series and have heavy withdrawals when you're done.

There are some incredible shows and movies on Netflix. There have been so many that we became attached to, and that we were so sad had to end. Recently we were sucked into Stranger Things and The Shannara Chronicles (neither of which have a third season yet -- huge bummer). When we finished the last episodes it felt like saying goodbye to a friend! The feels!


Are you a Netflix user? 


tapih we do not blame ourselves we are trying to do the best tapih if if we do wrong that is important we have done the best post you very good my friend really like

Loved your post. Your title says it all. My husband and I just binge watched three seasons of #schittscreek in a week. Honestly though it was SO WORTH IT. If you haven't seen it...It's an absolute must. The show is phenomenal!!

Ooo! I would be stoked about a new show! What is it about? :)

Schitt's Creek aired in 2015 and is about a wealthy couple -- video store owner Johnny and his soap opera star wife Moira -- suddenly find themselves completely broke. With only one remaining asset, a small town called Schitt's Creek, which the Roses bought years earlier as a joke, this once-wealthy couple must give up life as they know it. With their two spoiled children in tow and their pampered lives behind them, the Rose family is forced to face their newfound poverty head-on and come together as a family to survive.

It sounds intriguing! :)

I know the pain of Netflix vertigo... falling into a sea of indecision over what to choose. Too many choices, not enough time!

Soooo many good series on their to binge watch too! (and so many bad ones, lol)

you delete netflix and go to Terrarium TV cause its 10x better

I've never heard of that before!

  1. I have been saying for a while now that Netflix needs to allow you to "hide" shows. There are some that I'm never going to watch. Seriously, it would take someone holding a gun to my head to watch some of the garbage they have on NF. Let me hide it go I can get more enjoyment out of watching stuff I actually want to watch. Then I'm more likely to continue being a customer.
  2. "Popular" means sponsored. Don't check the dictionary though. It hasn't caught up to real life yet.
  3. I didn't watch the final episode of Parks and Rec for over 6 months because I wasn't ready to be done. I finally did and it was great, but some shows are just too hard to say goodbye to again and again and again. E.g. Here's looking at you The Office. (The American one, obviously.) ;)

A hide option would be cool!

You're right. "Popular" can't be relied upon to tell you what is actually popular anymore.

My husband watched almost the entire series of The Office while I was nauseous during my first pregnancy! So I'm not sure how I feel about it. Haha!

I could see how that would have a negative connotation for you if you were throwing up a lot. You know, there's an episode when Pam is nauseous while she's pregnant. She gets the whole office to throw up. Heh

Yes, I think I remember that one! Haha.

number 3 is me. I binge watch like 3 shows on my days off work. then wonder what I did for the pass 12 hours..

I know! I get so ridiculously sucked in good plots, that time just flies by.

Have you watched " The End of the Fucking World " ? If you havent you must watch it!

I totally relate!! I can’t tell you how many times that I took so long to pick a movie I was too tired to watch it once I decided. Great post!!

Thank you! ❤️

I totally agree with you!

We love Netflix. My husband is a perpetual browser...it drives me nuts!! Which preview left you scarred?
I would recommend:
'The Crown' (historical drama about Queen Elizabeth)
'Godless' (set in the wild wild west!)
'Call the Midwife'(the story of a group of district midwives set in London in the 50s/60s, loosely based on the real diary of one of midwives)
'Planet Earth 2'(I find David Attenborough's voice so soothing!)
'Orange is the New Black' (also based loosely on fact it is the account of a lady sent to a womens prison and the crazy drama that ensues)

We watched the pilot of "Black Mirror." I don't recommend it!
Thanks for your suggestions! It's always nice to hear what people actually think about shows instead of relying on the number of stars, haha!

We have an eclectic taste between us, J chose Godless and I actually really got into it! As you can see I enjoy a biographical element. We both also enjoyed 'Parks and Recreation' (though it took me a few episodes to get into it!)

We want to try to watch Parks and Rec!

Oh yes, I can relate to all of these Netflix woes! I do search and search some days and settle on some crap then might watch it or not. I love when I've watched something really good (like Imposters... SO GOOD!) and then they make a category for you called "Because You Watched Imposters." Of course that category may or may not have any good shows in it.

Netflix is really a genius idea! I enjoy having so many things to watch at the click of a button, even if a lot of it is crap! Lol! :)

Oh yes, I know that feeling. You binge watch a fantastic show and fall in love with the people and then feel lost when it's over.

Like The Killing. I put off watching it because it did not look like it would appeal to me. But it did. It was so gripping. Then it was over and I kept wondering what happened to the people in it? Like they were real people!

I just finished Doc Martin. Only 6 episodes on Netflix. I was lost. Found seasons 7 & 8 and binge watched them. Now I hear that Season 9 is coming out.

It's so bittersweet to become absorbed in stories! 😁