Mike Morrell is Being Disappeared from the Internet. So am I

in #lifelast year

Matt Taibbi has sent me an email showing that Mike Morell, who has revealed he coordinated the false claim by 50 intel agents that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation, is being disappeared off the internet, starting with the New York Slimes.

IMG source - Racket.News

So am I.


It's not just me.


If you have any ideas on how to get past this censorship, I'd appreciate any suggestions, while I can still hear them. There are bans in effect so broad the IP's banned are in the form of xxx.xxx, not xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, and my VPN is included. I can no longer reach the internet without a VPN. Tor and I2P appear to still be working, however.

Pretty sure I couldn't spend a BTC if I had it. @blocktrades closing shop seems to have been extraordinarily timely, from my perspective.

If this is the last thing I am able to post here, I wish you all the very best. I will be seeking means of communications diligently, and if I can continue to post here, I will.

Thank you all for speaking from your heart with me, and hearing my heartfelt words.


Purse.io will let you spend your crypto, btc and bch, last I looked.
You can get a discount, too.
@amaterasusolar was having the same problem a couple weeks ago.

Strange that.


I guess I don't reach enough people to be of concern.

Well, then you can quit burning all your author rewards and I can upvote you like a normal poster.

!Lol, you know the people in the anti-abuse community.
Control freaks gotta control.

But, that day is coming.
https://peakd.com/@ threespeak/cluster-rewarding-node-setup-get-rewarded-for-pinning-3speak-videos
Paying for things other than 'good' content has been approved at 'the highest levels'.
It's only a matter of time before the handcuffs come off.

Why are vacuums always so tough?
Because they know how to suck it up.

Credit: reddit
@valued-customer, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @antisocialist

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP

I don't use odysee - that is a web front-end for lbry. I use the Lbry app on linux and android. There is even a setting on the linux one to specify the servers you connect to. You are supposed to be able to bypass censorship with the lbry protocol. I haven't had the opportunity to test this, though. Their default server works fine for me. I wonder of HIVE clients are similarly independent of the hosts like ecency or peakd.

"I wonder of HIVE clients are similarly independent of the hosts like ecency or peakd."

In fact they are, if in practice not so much. A variety of other means of accessing the blockchain have been built, most of them private.


Looks like you are being shadow-banned.


This has been going on for a long time. Usually most people do not notice it at all.
It is the reason for HIVE and other decentralized apps.

As long as you can get to one of the HIVE servers, you can post here.
As long as you can get to a bitcoin node, you can spend bitcoin.

I think it was this Corbett Report he discussed getting around the internetz blocks

We'll see. I find it difficult to believe I have lost access to post on Matrix. I can't access the internet without a VPN, Tor, or I2P. I'm being shadowbanned across the whole internet.
