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RE: Alexander Lukashenko was in Russia on May 9th. Now he appears to be in a coma.

in #lifelast year (edited)

I will refer to a man that started working at 12 to support his family, when his single mother was institutionalized at an insane asylum. I do work for him from time to time as a handyman.

I suggest you will need specific examples, such as I refer to. He is moderately wealthy today, and does indeed parasitize the work of others, but he did not design the system he has worked hard to succeed in, rather he dedicated his life to supporting his mother, who is disabled due to her mental challenges, and his brothers and family he continues to provide support to, despite them all being adults and capable of working.

He is not megawealthy, but provides the best example of hard work I am personally familiar with in my entire life. He is also generous to a fault, and only yesterday told me to take care of me before completing work I have begun on his property (I am ill, and actually threw up when he came by to deliver food, embarrassingly).

I believe you can seek better friends, and I prove they exist by my experience.
