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RE: Sec. 702, FRRA, and Hive

in #life6 months ago

"Do you think Russia will win in Ukraine?"

I do not think Ukraine ever was competent to defeat Russia, and even far greater access to Western wunderwaffen would not have changed that.

"I think Ukraine will be divided by Russia and the West!"

I have speculated that historic claims on clay today held by the Ukraine may well be revisited by Poland, Romania, and other countries, when Russia has eliminated the ability of the Ukrainian government to defend itself. I also do not think that Russia intends to turn the Ukraine into Russia, but will restrict it's governance to union with an ostensibly autonomous republic, as it does in N. Ossetia, and many others. I suspect that Russia intends to preserve W. Ukraine as a buffer between it's borders and NATO, and that this would enable Poland, and others, to similarly assume control of those parts of the Ukraine in the same way.

"I think America will colonize China!"

Perhaps it already has. Maybe Chine will colonize America. Maybe both China and the USA are being colonized by the NWO.
